Tuesday, December 30, 2014

The Year in Review in Pictures

It's time to look back.

Today, on this next to last day of 2014, I want to share some photos that I took throughout 2014.  At my age (62) time seems to fly so quickly.

But when I look back, I realize just how much I've been blessed with - the health to be able to travel, the income that permits me to own an iPhone, and you, my dear blog readers, who brighten my life daily.  When I look back, time seems to slow down.

 I'm pleased to bring these photo highlights to you, for your enjoyment.

Charleston, South Carolina, early April, 2014, at sunset.  The palmettos above are symbolic of South Carolina and a palmetto is featured on its state flag.

Summerville, South Carolina, April, 2014.  This is a picture of a house I walked past. So appealing on a Monday in early April, this yard invites you to sit and visit.
Thayer House, Skaneateles, New York, June 1, dating from around the 1830's.
Fall color in downtown Binghamton, New York, late October.  The building to the left is the Security Mutual Life building, built in 1904.

And finally, a snowy morning on Skaneateles Lake, mid December.

Why did I choose these particular photos?  Perhaps because they all spoke to me in some way.

I hope they speak to you, too.

Thank you, readers, for sharing 2014 with me.

I will leave you with one more picture.  Right now, much of the plant world is in its winter sleep here in upstate New York.  In fact, as I write this blog post, it is snowing.

But one day next year, the landscape will green up, flowers will bloom again, and the promise of renewal will be kept.

I am counting the days.


  1. Hi Alana,

    Thanks for sharing your look back in 2014 in pictures :) Beautiful!

  2. looks like you had a pretty decent year. Here's to an even better 2015!

  3. What a beautiful eye for photography you have, Alana! I love the picture of the Summerville, South Carolina vine encrusted house. Whoever lives there is an artist who has has perfectly combined the appeal of comfort, and peace. Lovely. The snow is falling in Nebraska too, and all we can do is turn our eyes toward spring. :-)

  4. Beautiful photos, Alana! Looks like you've had a satisfying year. Thank you for sharing, and all the best in 2015!


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