Thursday, January 1, 2015

Why We Should Break with Tradition

This morning, I woke up to The Weather Channel announcing "Binghamton, we forgot our resolutions already, too!"

So, I got to thinking.

It's January 1.
It's a brand new beginning.

I'm hung over.

I've been privileged to see a lot of new years, and - you know what, The Weather Channel is right!  Except, they were trying to be funny about it.

Year after year, we make all these great resolutions.  We are going to do this.  We are going to accomplish that.  Then, we don't do the work, and it doesn't happen.  We say, "oh, to heck to it" and go back to doing all the things we have been doing to hurt our minds and bodies, to hold ourselves back from true happiness, or to improve our health.  Nothing changes.

This is why we should sometimes break with tradition.  Sometimes, tradition is not something you want to pass down. 

I've been reading a lot lately about people who choose a word at the beginning of every year, and, when the alarm woke up my spouse so he could go to work this morning, the word came to me


I rarely make resolutions, so this year will be different.

If I do something the same old way that doesn't benefit me or my family, I will see if I can do something DIFFERENT.

I will break with personal tradition when that tradition is hurtful.

Who knows, I may even change my blogging habits (but it's too soon for me to implement anything - and I have made commitments for January, already).

I know too many people who were diagnosed with serious illnesses last year, or were undergoing treatment for serious illnesses, and even a couple who passed from serious illnesses.  One of my cousins nearly died a week before Christmas from an asthma attack and ended up in the ICU.  (He's home, now.)

Eventually, we all realize that our days on Earth are not indefinite.

 I don't know if seeing this kind of thing around you is the best way to realize something, but in thinking about these individuals, I know that this year is going to be DIFFERENT.

The question for today is, will I be like those folks at the Weather Channel, boasting of how they've already forgotten their resolutions?

The answer is:  it really doesn't matter, because this is a year long challenge.  If I don't succeed today, there is no reason to quit.  I just try again tomorrow. That's a lesson Weight Watchers taught me over two years ago, and it's an important lesson.

Will you break from tradition and make changes in your life that are long overdue?

This is my first post in two challenges:  The Ultra Blog Challenge and the Ultimate Blog Challenge. I look forward to these two month long challenges, and with all my readers, new and old, a happy, DIFFERENT, New Year.


  1. Alana,
    I'm all for new and different, I am one of the ones who chose a word for this year. It was "fear" like "fear the Lord," meaning reverence. I want to seek His will and listen more closely to His voice. I know there are some definite challenges ahead for me and I have to be there for my family. God bless you. Praying for a wonderful "different" for you in 2015!

    1. Thank you, Amy, and I wish you the best in 2015 for success with your book, and success with all of your personal challenges. You are such an inspiration to me and others.

  2. I try to heed the rule: A goal is just a dream until you take inspired action toward the goal." Here's to taking inspired action, and being different! Happy New Year!

  3. Replies
    1. Joy is a wonderful word. May you have a lot of joy.

  4. I'm not one for resolutions anymore...they never seem to happen lol. But best wishes for you a prosperous new year and crush those challenges!! :)

    1. Thank you. I also don't make resolutions. We'll see if a word for the year makes a difference.

  5. I'm guilty I made new year resolution but I decided to make it general and simple.
    Wish a good 2015.
    Coffee is on

  6. I don't make New Year's resolutions and I can't remember a time when I ever did. I make daily goals for myself and always have. I do however pick words or phrases as my mantra for the year ahead. This year it' "Say Yes!" And I'm saying YES to your blog! :D - Stopping by from Blogher and wishing you a Happy New Year!

    1. I say "Yes" to your blog, too. Thank you for visiting, and have a Happy New Year, too!

  7. Alana, you will appreciate this blog post that confirms what you are speaking of: ... I set a word as a theme for the year years ago when the idea came to me spontaneously. I have missed a few years; however, am back on track. This year my word is...oh, read the post. ;) And may 2015 be different in a good way, no great way to you! :) <3

    1. Transformation - I like that. In a way, that expresses what I am trying to do in my life, too. May you have a great 2015, too, with less pain. Pain is a terrible thing.

  8. Hi Alana,

    Happy New Year! Enjoyed your post :) I am all for being different :) I wish you many blessings in 2015! Remember just be you :) I look forward on seeing what you have in store in your upcoming posts!!

    1. Thank you for all your recent visits. I do need to change in some ways but fear not, I will never stop being me. Happy New Year to you, too!

  9. Traditions are ok to break. I am also in the ultimate blog challenge

  10. Best of luck with your bootcamp Stay calm when it gets crazy! (If I did that, I would be DIFFERENT.)

  11. A thoughtful piece with lots to think about..."different" is as good a word as any. Better, even!

  12. I don't make resolutions either. I haven't in many years. I used to but I found that in doing so I was setting myself up to fail. Now I word things not as I will do _________, but as I will work toward _____________, etc. It is less "crippling" and more forgiving and still gives me a goal!

  13. Love this! I really do believe it's wise to stop now and then to evaluate why we do something the way we do it, and figure out if there's a different and better way to get there. Great word for 2015!

  14. I agree that to be different is the way to achieve something. Sometimes being different is in a manner of speaking, sometimes it's about having different viewpoints or understandings, sometimes it's even about actions. I hope you achieve more Different in your life and your family this year! :)


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