Sunday, March 15, 2015

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day March 2015 - Hope

There is hope for spring.

May Dreams Gardens, who hosts a meme every 15th of the month, where gardeners from all over the world gather to show what is blooming in their yards or houses, has spring flowers in her Central Indiana yard.

Iris reticulata.  Snowdrops.

Meanwhile, in my zone 5b garden in the Binghamton area of upstate New York, all that is growing is snow.  In fact, it is snowing and sleeting right now.

So, indoors we move to our blooms.

As March days are on the same day of the week as February days, so are the flowers in my house repeating the flowers of February.

Kalanchoe.  This is blooming so nicely despite an infestation of whiteflies.  In the last couple of days, we were able to put it outside as it was above freezing, and hope we can take care of the whiteflies, finally.

Our surprise Alternathera (we were told it was a coleus but GBBD readers set me straight) is still blooming nicely in a north window.

But wait, there's more!

I rooted some Persian Shield and put the plant in a 1/2 gallon plastic freezer bag for moisture.  Now, it is blooming. (Too bad my iPhone doesn't do macro photography well.)

Finally, on this hopeful Ides of March day, an unusual green mum I picked up yesterday at a local supermarket graces my dining room table.

Spring can't come fast enough for me.

What is blooming for you today?


  1. Your garden is lovely. I am still working on my back garden which can't seem to come together yet.

  2. Spring is on its way. We are finally starting to see signs here on Long Island so you are not too far behind us. It all turned around just about a week ago when the first of the bulbs started popping up. Keep enjoying your indoor blooms...not long now!

  3. Argh, I wish some of ours would start blooming. It's been a long Winter and we need some color!

  4. Nothing fresh blooming here yet - although I have some nice silk blossoms in various colors, just to have the colors and feel of spring.

    I'm hoping I'll have some real flowers in a couple of weeks, on my birthday.

  5. No outdoor blooms here, either. A 10-inch wide patch of bare soil (well, it was bare yesterday) had crocus sprouts poking up. However, crocus only bloom when it's sunny, so it may be a while before I see color.

  6. I thought my camellia would not bloom this year because of the deep freeze we had "down south" in South Carolina last month, but I am happy to report that the buds are now beginning to open. And the cherry tree that my husband (thoughtlessly) cut down several years ago has sprouted from the stump, and it is blooming this year as well. Signs of spring for sure! And your indoor garden is beautiful.

  7. Beautiful photos! Nothing blooming here yet either, but I'm glad to see that there is still grass underneath where the snow is melting :) I like your green mums! Hang in there, Spring is coming and we can move outside. Enjoy your week,

  8. The Kalanchoe is beautiful! Thanks for telling me the story behind it. Plants mean so much more when there is a history associated with them.


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