Monday, March 23, 2015

The Great Reveal

Today, many participants in the Blogging from A to Z blogging challenge are revealing their blog themes for the month of April.

If I was honest, my theme would be "I'm scared, even though I am sort of a seasoned blogger."

But that wouldn't be exciting, would it?

Why would anyone want a blogging theme, when you are being required to create a blog post based on  each letter in the English alphabet? A on April 1, B on April 2, and so forth (Sundays excepted).

So - my theme is:  America the Beautiful

Although, I can tell you that my theme on April 1 will be autism - because of its impact on my family.

But, I have traveled in 46 states of the United States, and several provinces in Canada.  I haven't been in all of them recently, or recently enough to have electronic photos.  But, with a few exceptions, each of my posts in April will be about a place I have visited, such as (not guaranteeing, of course):

Charleston, South Carolina and its surrounding area
Savannah, Georgia
Macon, Georgia
Prince Edward Island, Canada (yes, Canada.  It is part of the Americas, after all!)
Arkansas (where Wal-Mart started)
New York State

This is going to be fun - scary fun, perhaps, but fun nevertheless.

I hope you will join me on my April journey!


  1. Yes, it is kinda scary to launch a daily blogging commitment, however, YOU are as you say, a seasoned daily blogger. I have been reading your blog daily since finding you on the AtoZ SignUp List as one of my Minion Listees. I quickly added you to my AtoZ Blog Roll and have been waiting for today...Reveal say Hello!

    As a History buff and anything Civil War reader, I have enjoyed your blog posts very much. Your theme is perfect, and I can't wait to see what you write about Savannah, Georgia...the home state of my Ancestors. I write a Family History blog entitled...Tracks of My Georgia Ancestors.

    This is my fourth AtoZ Challenge which I write as CollectInTexas Gal. I bet you have been to Texas in your travels around America. I am visiting from the AtoZ Theme Reveal Blog Hop...please simply click on my Signature Link for a visit to my Theme Reveal.
    Sue at CollectInTexas Gal
    AtoZ 2015 Challenge
    AJ's wHooligans

    1. Thank you for visiting my blog. I lived in Texas (for about 8 months) in 1976 and 1977. I've never been back since (except one time, passing through to get to somewhere else). I would love to visit again one day, just to see some areas I wasn't able to get to when I lived there ("there" being Wichita Falls).

  2. Well, it's a tough challenge... you will be great and it's about a place we love...

    Jeremy [Retro]
    AtoZ Challenge Co-Host [2015]

    There's no earthly way of knowing.
    Which direction we are going!

    1. Thank you for the encouragement. I'm not sure of where I'm going either, but I will get there!

  3. That is a perfect theme! I'm going to follow your blog so I can see what you pick for each post. :)

    -Chrys Fey
    Tremp's Troops - A to Z Co-co-host

    1. Thank you, and hope I can live up to your expectations!

  4. I've traveled across the U.S. quite a few times but I've barely stopped to explore. I look forward to reading about your adventures.

    1. Thank you! I've passed by too many areas myself, without ever exploring them. Hope you find some posts of interest.

  5. I did AtoZ challenge some time ago. Q was a hard letter. Good luck with it
    Coffee is on

  6. Fun theme. You had me at Prince Edward Island :)

  7. I hit some of the American cities in my 2013 A to Z. Look forward to reading about yours.

  8. Prince Edward Island! One of those places childhood readings made look like Paradise :)
    Great theme!

    @TarkabarkaHolgy from
    Multicolored Diary - Epics from A to Z
    MopDog - The crazy thing about Hungarians...


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