Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Winter Wonders - Happy Ice Trails to You

This is my last Wednesday Winter Wonders post of the year - until December, anyway.

Today, I am featuring my guest photographer.  She took a walk with me a couple of days ago in downtown Binghamton.  We headed down to the confluence of the Susquehanna and Chenango rivers to look at the ice breakup.

As much as I could complain about not having the 80 degree weather many parts of the United States experienced this year, such weather would have produced a rapid melt leading to flooding.

Sometimes, you have to be careful of what you wish for. (Winter, I could have done without the snow squalls of yesterday, though.  Or the ice cold temperatures of this morning, with interstates closed not far from us.  Ice to the south.  Accidents.  Not nice of you at all.  Just sayin')

Instead, (until today, anyway) we have a slow melt.

The geese are enjoying it.  You can barely see them, two tiny dots in the right center.

From a pedestrian bridge, the ice photos almost look like something taken from an airplane from high up.

The shore was looking good - no huge ice chunks.
There are even trails in the ice.

Where do those trails lead?  Hopefully, to spring. Starting in May, my Spring Things feature will return each Wednesday - perhaps earlier than that.

How is the change of the season affecting you?


  1. How exciting it must be for those who have suffered through terrible winters to realize that spring is just over the horizon. That being said, winter has its beauties and you have highlighted many of them this season. It's good to be able to appreciate every season's qualities.

    1. We must appreciate each season and try to roll with weather's punches - especially today, where we are celebrating the first day of spring with more snow.

  2. Hi Alana,

    Great share :) Looks like it is still very cold and snowy there :) Thanks for sharing :)

    1. Yes, we are getting snow again today, the first day of spring.

  3. Lovely post. We have been lucky to have a mild winter and there are already cherry blossoms blooming!

    1. Cherry blossoms - ah. This is the first day of the Cherry Blossom festival in Washington, DC. So, along with us, it is snowing there too. They say, though, it won't affect the blossoms. I hope they are right.

  4. Although we do not have nearly as harsh a winter as you do, I don't feel spring coming on that much. It is still grey and gloomy, and usually pretty cold in the morning. We had one nice week, but then slipped back into the same old same old...I'm looking forward to feeling that spring has sprung, but that could be in May or even June here! It depends on the year!

    1. I will hope for spring to visit you (and us). Snowing again today. I feel like I've whined quite enough to my readers, but wrote another fresh snow post today.

  5. Nothing like that here. It either rainning or sunshine.
    Coffee is on

  6. Beautiful photos. Here, the weather is overcast, sending dark clouds over the UK. It doesn't bode well for seeing the eclipse tomorrow morning. But I don't plan to stare at the sun anyway. I'll just watch it get dark just before 9am.

    1. Were you able to see your eclipse. We wouldn't have been able to today. Oh well. I hope this (it is snowing today, on the first day of spring) is the last snow we get until next fall.

  7. Beautiful images and yes it did look like something taken from an airplane on several photos - I agree that these trails lead to a Spring coming soon - actually feels like it's here in the mtns of So. Calif!

  8. Thanks for sharing such beautiful photos! Winter certainly has its moments of beauty, but like you there in NY, we're about done with it here in Maine! I am thankful it has been a slow melting season, though, because as you noted, some serious flooding can occur if the spring thaw happens too quickly.

    1. I hope we are past the flood threat. Fortunately we won't get much accumulation from the snow falling today.

  9. Beautiful photos, Alana. I just love the shapes and colors and textures that you see in ice. Here in Nebraska, it's warm (70ish) during the daytime, but very dry. We're in a Red Flag Warning (high likelihood of wildfires) with grass fires cropping up from something as innocuous as a hot bearing on a tractor. Enjoy the warm-up, you all certainly deserve a bit of nice warm weather!


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