Thursday, February 11, 2016

Time to Think of Gardening.

Gardeners are eternal optimists.

In the northern climate, our gardening season ends in October.  We gardeners spend the next few months pondering what we did wrong, and planning for a better year to come.

In November, the seed catalogs start to arrive in our mailboxes.

As the bitter winds blow, and snow covers the ground, we sit in our warm houses.  We sip coffee or tea, and take inventory of our seeds.  We choose our varieties.

Do we want to grow beets again?  Do we want to try to grow gherkins for the first time?  What about those multi use peas we just read about? Could there really be such a thing as a blue petunia?

Our garden plot, May of 2013
So, this week, my spouse sent his renewal form and check for his two community gardening plots in Binghamton, New York.  One more year, spouse says.  Last year he wasn't even able to plant part of it due to long distance caregiving needs.  But this year, we hope, will be different.

Tonight, spouse placed his first order, for onions.  We dreamed of the tomatoes we would grow.
I dream of the day my hanging baskets would be filled with flowers again, and not snow and brown foliage.

And I know in my heart that this season will be the best season ever.

My eternal optimism tells me so.


  1. I hope your basket gets filled with plenty of blossomed flowers!

  2. Alana, whatever we dream wholeheartedly, the universe conspires to make it happen. So all the good luck to you and to your spouse.

  3. Good luck with your garden this year. Your first sentence certainly sums it up; we are all eternal optimists.

  4. Ah, I am so excited to think about summer, and gardening! We have a little porch attached to our apartment that gets a lot of sun, and I am going to try to garden a few things in containers this summer. Hoping for tomatoes!

  5. Good job thank you for sharing

  6. Good for you, Alana! The dreams of gardening are what get me through the long winters here in Nebraska. I've already planted onions and leeks in flats in my basement. Can't----wait!!!

  7. That's so wonderful that you're already able to start some gardening!

  8. Enjoy your gardening dreams, Alana, and keep warm. I just heard on the telly that it is going to be very very cold in parts of the US.

  9. It will be awhile yet before we can do any gardening, but I'm hoping this year to establish small flower gardens on either side of our front entrance. One side gets the morning sun, while the other side is in shade most of the day, so I could have different types of plants on each side. Hubby has also talked about having tomato plants, so we'll see.


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