Tuesday, June 21, 2016

A Pink Ballerina and The Pioneer Rose

It's rose season in upstate New York.

I read yesterday that roses are the official flower of Father's Day. Red if your father is alive and white if he is no longer with us.  It's strange, but I had an overwhelming urge to post pictures of roses yesterday.  I'm glad that I did the post I did, though, because that means I was able to save some gorgeous roses for today.
I will start with some beautiful wild rugosa roses from the Vestal Rail Trail, a few miles from Binghamton, New York, in honor of my late father.
These pink roses are wild roses that grow on my property line.  They just appeared one spring, perhaps three or four years ago.  A friend thinks they may be an old fashioned variety from 1937 called "Ballerina" which just decided to establish itself.  It is true, where they are is somewhat shady, but they only bloom once a year.

The next couple of roses are from our local botanical gardens, Cutler Botanic Gardens in Binghamton.  These roses didn't have name tags, so if you can guess them, please leave me a comment.
How beautiful is this multicolored rose?
Another mystery rose. Some of these are so fragrant, I wish there was such a thing as smell-o-blog. (I do wish that every year about this time.)

Yellow.  This one had a name tag - Harison's yellow.  It is also called the Pioneer's rose or the rose of the Oregon Trail as it is found growing all along that trail.  Some say this is the official Yellow Rose of Texas.  And how beautiful is that?  So fragrant, too.
Finally, another shot of my mystery pink roses.  Ballerina or not, I love their scent.

Tomorrow, as summer begins, also begins my weekly Summer feature - Summer Ramblings.

What is your favorite flower?


  1. The pink rose, the third from the bottom, is it a climber? It could be a Therese Bugnet Rugosa Rose, if I remember right, they can be a bit thorny, but exquisitely scented and very hardy. It also could be a Zephirine Drouhin climbing rose, wonderfully scented also, a nearly thornless Bourbon Rose. All of your roses are gorgeous. They are my favorite. I have a hedge of Zephirine's and they are so faithful. Thank you for sharing. I hope you have a very rose filled week!

  2. Are these roses.. strange yet beautiful... You have some good info here.. thanks for sharing.. :)

  3. Beautiful roses. Pinned one. Favorite flower - orchid. They're so mysterious. I also love lavender for it's amazing aroma.

  4. I have two favorite flowers. 1. a rose of any color. 2. Tulips of any color

  5. My dad liked roses but I don't know if he had a favor or not.
    Coffee is on

  6. Loved this post! I've struggled with my rugosas getting leggy in August. This year, they're loving the cooler temps here in Wisconsin. I think the top pic is the same one that I have -- rugosa rubra??

  7. I love Roses. Choosing White for Dad is no longer around but can feel his fragrance through this beautiful post:)

  8. Interesting that roses are for Father's Day. I'd think they go with Mother's Day.


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