Monday, June 27, 2016

Music Monday - Strawberry Letters and Musical Alarm Clocks

It's strawberry season in upstate New York.

I started to think about music, something that becomes a refuge when news is bad.  This has been a month full of tragic news for many.  It's time to enjoy a few minutes of lightness among all the grim moments this month has brought.  Today, I'd like to bring you several favorite songs featuring strawberries.

Strawberry Letter 23 as done by The Brothers Johnson.  I can not tell you for how many years I thought the title of this song was "Strawberry Letter 22". Ig you listen to the lyrics (I guess I didn't - I am so swept away by the the instrumental in this song) the song is about a young man singing about a love letter he has received - Strawberry Letter 22.  He is either responding or hoping for a 23rd letter.  I'm still not sure.

So why the strawberry letters?  Were they written on red paper?  Did his lover scent them with strawberries?  I love the lyrics, but they don't give me a clue.

Nor did I ever know this was actually a cover of a song by Shuggie Otis.  I won't do a battle of the bands here, but you can decide which version you like better. Mr. Otis is still performing and touring.

Strawberry Fields Forever by the Beatles - you won't find a complete version (legally) on You Tube, I suspect, but this will give you part of it.  And the video isn't bad, either.

Incense and Peppermints by the Strawberry Alarm Clock.

Are you wondering why you keep seeing Music Mondays after I had given up this feature?  I had decided there were so many blog posts with music challenges, Battles of the Bands, and so forth, that we didn't need one more.  But now I've decided I was having too much fun.  I may not do it every Monday, but if the mood hits, I will do it.

And a happy strawberry day to you, too.


  1. I was more a fan of Blueberry Hill, but the Johnson Brothers did have a great tune!

  2. I had a college class with one of the guys in Strawberry Alarm Clock! He wasn't too impressed with himself, seemed kind of embarrassed that anybody had heard of them. :)

  3. I had no idea there were so many songs with strawberries in their title. I knew the Beatles one. Also remember the song 'Summer Wine' that began with 'Strawberries, cherries and an angel's kiss in spring...' :)

    1. I love both strawberries and cherries; in fact I have both in my house right now.

  4. I love reading your Music Mondays. I always find some song I like that I have not heard before. On this list only one I have heard before that I remember is teh one by the Beetles. You help to open my mind musically. I may not always leave a comment. However, I do read and view.

  5. I had no idea there were so many strawberry songs. I knew of the Beatles one, naturally.


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