Sunday, October 22, 2017

Post Number 2900 And Six Things I've Learned Along the Way

This my 2900th blog post.
Me, my shadow, and some gourds, October 2017
How did I do it?

I started my blogging journey in April of 2009 and have been blogging daily since late April of 2011.  It's been quite a journey.

I hope I have become a better writer, and a better photographer in those seven plus years.

But I would never have been able to do it without you, my readers, or the leaders of various blogging challenges I have participated in for many years.  Those challenges taught me discipline.

I enjoy spending part of the day visiting other bloggers from all over the world - my native United States, Canada, India, Australia, South Africa, and other countries.  I have learned so much from you.

So, instead of celebrating me...I celebrate you.

Here are some of the things I've learned along the way.
1.  Have a plan for what you want to accomplish with your blog.  I didn't.  I had to pick it up along the way.

2.  Be true to yourself.  Blog about what you have a passion for.  Your readers will pick up lack of passion in a hurry.

3.  Cultivate your readers.  Respond to comments (one of my weaknesses, and a habit that's fallen along the wayside, especially this month when both my spouse and I were dealing with physical issues).  People want to know they are valued.

4.  Pictures and videos both enrich a blog.  But if you use pictures, and they aren't yours, make sure it is legal to use those pictures!

5.  Use a blogging platform that is user friendly, at least, until and if you outgrow it.  I had a cousin's husband who was given one as a gift, and it was so frustrating, he never really used the gift he was given.

And finally:
6. Don't obsessively check your stats.  For what I am trying to accomplish, I would rather have a few, loyal readers, and that is what I have.  Do what works for you, but also, please, have fun along the way.
Yes, have fun along the way!

So thank you, my readers, for sticking with me during this journey.  I appreciate everyone of you who visits my blog.

Thank you for enabling me to get to my 2900th post!

Day 22 of the Ultimate Blog Challenge #blogboost


  1. Hi Alana,
    2,900? That's crazy. I'm not even at 800 yet.
    I also have a reflection post coming up as I approach 4 years.
    I also struggle to return comments.
    You have time to write daily? Do you work outside the home like me?
    Thanks! At least I know I'm not the only one who struggles to find time to return comments.

    1. I do work outside the home, full time. I also have an understanding husband who loves to cook. Maybe I should have thanked him too. Him sharing the household chores makes a lot of my blog possible.

  2. Wonderful tips and ones I try and live by although like you I get busy and forget to check comments. So one of my goals next month is to make sure and check comments at least once a week as daily might just be to much for me.

    1. I was averaging once a week but even that got away from me recently.

  3. I love your blog, Alana. It’s so you. I may not always be interested I. The topic you write about, but I can always see your passion in your writing.

    Number 4 on your list is a favorite of mine ...

    1. I am not a legal professional, but I think it's a blogger's responsibility to blog responsibly. I hope I always do that, because I take that responsibility seriously.

  4. Congratulations on your faithfulness in daily blogging. It's tough to keep up with comments on Blogger, because when you've got posts going back for years you don't always notice when an older post gets a comment. At least WordPress blogs notify you to approve comments and you can answer them at the same time. I'm approaching 550 posts on one Blogger blog, and it's really hard to keep track. Please let me know if you have the secret.

    1. I do not use the "Google" plug in for comments; I use the comment box that comes "standard" with the traditional Blogger "themes". Then, I always have comment moderation enabled (which sends you an email with the subject "New Comment on Post 2900 (or whatever the title of the post is". Sadly, I've found that the vast majority of comments on older posts tend to be spam.

    2. That is sad. Maybe I should turn Google commenting off.

  5. Congrats on your 2900 mark! I'll be waiting for the 3000 post to show up soon. Congrats on all your great blogs.

  6. This is amazing, Alana!!! I can't imagine writing a blog every day. Brava to your consistency and you're right about responding to readers. They won't care about you until they know how much you care about them! Brenda

  7. Alana, good Heavens! 2900! I write from 2 blogs and also other places, but I think I'm at more like 400. So congratulations! And please keep these gentle observations and beautiful photographs coming.

  8. Congrats Alana :-) I agree with all your tips. Your blog is good with simple design and I love your photos. Important thing to be a blogger is having fun in the journey.

  9. Wow! Way to go! I love reading your blog, Alana. I agree with the above tips. I guess, most of us pick up the plan for our blog along the way, I am still in the process of figuring it out. I struggle with replying to comments too. Stats are just numbers, if we have loyal readers then we are doing a good job, right? Great going. :)

  10. That is quite a feat! Way to go! What an inspiration you are!

  11. That's a lot of posts! Great tips.

  12. Wow, that's an impressive amount of blog posts. I truly enjoy reading your blog posts. Sometimes, we're doing the same thing at the same time, and it's nice to see your version of the story.

  13. each and every tip rings true.... i need to spend more time commenting too and blogging consistently outside of challenges...your 2900 inspires!!

  14. Oh wow, congratulations on so many posts! That's impressive! I've been blogging 6 years this year but I've only got half of those posts, wow!

    Here's to many more happy years of blogging for you! :)

    I hope that you have had a lovely weekend! Warmer here today, which is nice after a cold week last week, but the rain is back which isn't so good!

    Away From The Blue Blog

  15. Congrats on 2900. Amazing milestone.

  16. Sometimes I wish I'd kept count over the years. I've had a blog since 1998 or so - whenever it was that Pyra opened its doors to the public. But I never thought to keep count of exactly how many posts I've written. Maybe that's just as well.

    I agree with all your advice. Honestly, commenting used to be my favorite part (well, maybe right on the heels of responding to comments ON my blog from readers!) Engagement's dropped off a lot since 2009-2012. But maybe that, too, is just as well - it tends to be more real and less self-serving now, when it happens. Just more rare, too.

    Congratulations on this milestone! Can't wait to celebrate 3000 with you!


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