Friday, February 1, 2019

Mega Snow Squall #SkywatchFriday

We skywatchers usually watch the sky to witness sunrises, sunsets, beautiful cloud formations, and so forth.

We don't usually want to show you a sky you can't see.

But sometimes there are exceptions.

I was attending a Weight Watchers meeting in a conference room in downtown Binghamton, New York and had a bird's eye view of downtown.  We were waiting for the meeting to begin when someone looked out the window and saw it coming.

Here, you still have a good view of the courthouse across the street from the building I was in.
Then the squall moved in.  That isn't fog.  It's snow.
Trust me, you don't want to be out in that.
A few feet to the right of the first three pictures.  Seconds later, you literally couldn't see out the window at all.  It was a wall of white.

So why am I making a big deal about a snow squall?  We get them several times each winter, but this one was special.  The system that created it created squalls that impacted millions of people. 

I'm happy I was snug in an office conference room, because, as it turns out, my spouse and my guest photographer were both outside when it hit.

Join Yogi and other bloggers who watch the sky each Friday at #SkywatchFriday.  Maybe next week I'll get back to skies you can see.


  1. We're having a mega squall right now! Makes for good shots.

  2. It's always nice when you can see out at it, compared to being in it.

  3. Great captures from your snug spot...but, then you did have to venture out..

  4. Made me cold just looking at it!

  5. Your photos clearly show how that storm/blizzard quickly moves. It is scary. No one should think that it is just a 'storm'.

  6. Yep, I believe you about not wanting to be out in weather like that! But it does make for interesting and moody photos. Enjoy your weekend and stay warm!

  7. B-r-r-r! Looks cold! Have a great weekend.


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