Monday, May 24, 2021

Eurovision Song Contest #MusicMovesMe

It's Monday, and guess what?  It is time for music with the Music Moves Me bloggers!

Who are the #MusicMovesMe bloggers? We are bloggers who blog about music each Monday and if you have music to share with us, you are most welcome to join! (Music Posts Only , please!)   First, there is XmasDolly, who has a brand new blogging home. Her co-hosts are: Stacy of Stacy Uncorked, Cathy from Curious as a Cathy, and me. Each month we have a guest conductor. This month we again welcome John from The Sound of One Hand Typing.  Thank you for the great themes you gave us this past May, John!

John's theme for today is:  "Songs from the Eurovision song contest to celebrate its 65th anniversary".

When I told my spouse I was blogging today about Eurovision, he responded "What's Eurovision?"  It inspired me to write this post.

I suspect many Americans would have the same reaction, which is a shame.  My Saturday post above gave a brief introduction to the competition, which held its finals on Saturday.  I watched it on Peacock and it was interesting.  I have to admit, though, that I don't understand the voting process. I understand the 50% judges/50% public process, but why would a first place vote by the judges be called a "12"?

The winner was a punk rock group from Italy, Måneskin.  I loved their song, but I realize it wasn't representative of the majority of entries this year.  I like this musical style, though, and am posting their official music video for the contest.

The building where the contest was held was a COVID-19 emergency hospital last year - I marvel at how far we have come.

This year's contest is over, but let's see some highlights from past Eurovision contests. 

ABBA became famous through Eurovision and their 1974 win.  Here is their performance of their hit "Waterloo" at the 1974 Eurovision, which was actually the second year they competed.

Céline Dion competed in 1988 for Switzerland (you don't have to be a native of the country you compete on behalf of.)  She won with the song "Ne Partez Pas Sans Moi.Ne Partez Pas Sans Moi" and also rose to fame.

This song may sound familiar.  From 1976, Brotherhood of Man - Save Your Kisses for Me.

 Måns Zelmerlöw’s Heroes (representing Sweden) - the winning song of the 2015 Eurovision.

and this, better known as Volare  from 1958 - Domenico Modugno - Nel Blu Dipinto Di Blu (Volare)

Finally, I wanted to show you perhaps the most successful interval act of Eurovision - 1974, where Riverdance introduced themselves to the world.  (An interval act performs while the votes for the winner are tallied, and have become as well anticipated as the music acts themselves.  I somehow missed this year's interval act because I just couldn't sit through four hours of television.

Like the idea of Eurovision?  Well, next year we are going to have our own version in the States - the American Song Contest. But it isn't our entire continent, it's just the United States.  So I'm just curious - would you watch an American Song Contest?

And that's a wrap!

Join me next Monday, same time, same place, for another episode of Music Moves Me.


  1. American Song Contest? Isn't that like American Idol or America's Got Talent? I don't know if I'd watch it or not.. I'd have to see how the first few acts go.

  2. ...I've heard of ABBA and Riverdance and that about it.

  3. I still can't believe I'd never heard of it. I would watch an American song contest. Have a great week! :)

  4. Alana,

    Like two peas in a pod, we both used Brotherhood of Man. :) You put together some interesting picks from the winners list. I really enjoyed Måns Zelmerlöw’s Heroes. Thanks for sharing it! As for the American Song Contest, yes, I'll probably give it a try. I love singing shows for the most part. Thanks for giving me the heads up on this new program. I'll be watching for it. It's great boogieing with you today, my dear. Have a wonderful week! ;)

  5. My favorite day to visit your site!
    carol c

  6. I love these contests--they bring out and showcase huge talents that otherwise may have remained hidden! I'd never seen the first performance of Riverdance before. Truly, it was stunning!

  7. How funny, something I hadn't heard of until you mentioned it the other day, and now I see it in the news! Of course, if you hadn't written about it, I wouldn't have noticed the news (of the winner being accused of using drugs, which turned out not to be the case).
    American Idol back when it was new, even participate, but no more. Same with America's Got Talent. Too many singers on that. The dog act was great, and my kids got to see them at the county fair! I had hurt my foot and couldn't walk well enough to go. The only show winners I'd ever wanted to see...

  8. The Eurovision competition is an interesting phenomenon, apparently wildly popular in Europe. I wasn't aware it was available on Peacock.

  9. Hey, good job! Celine Dion looks real different with the curly dark hair. I had forgotten when Domenic Modugno did "Nel Blu De Pinto Di Blu," so thanks for finding that.

    The Brotherhood of Man's song sounds really different from "United We Stand," but by 1976 they had a fixed lineup, so it's no surprise.

    Michael Flatley is from Chicago, by the way...

  10. Interesting choices. I wasn't familiar with most of this, though I do like Celine Dion, Riverdance and Abba.

  11. I guess someone figured out why should Europe have all the fun? (NO, I won't watch!)

  12. You chosed some nice songs, Alana, Brotherhood of Man and Celine Dion are our favourites too and Riverdance that's a huge WOW! That was quite an event, the top of the whole show😸Pawkisses for a Happy Week ahead, oh, and the 'C-hospital in Ahoy" has never been used🐾😽💞


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