Thursday, October 31, 2019

Scarecrow and Dragon #blogboost #RMF2019

Today is the last day of the Ultimate Blog Challenge and it is also Halloween.

The weather has been giving nothing but tricks to most of our country - Santa Ana winds and terrible fires in California, lots of snow in Colorado, unexpected early snow in many other places.  For us, we'll get rain and wind.  Fortunate, as things go.  The rain has already arrived.

But that doesn't mean we can't do a little Halloween decorating on my blog.  Many of these are courtesy of a scarecrow contest earlier this month at a local park.

A grim reaper scarecrow.
Owego, New York
A black cat.

A Halloween garden

Time to feed the dinosaurs. (The late Johnny Hart, who wrote the B.C.and Wizard of Id comics, was local and, in fact, worked (before his days of fame) at one time in my neighborhood.)

And one with a broomhead.

But most of all, don't forget to feed your dragon.

With that, I say goodbye to October and fall, as it seems winter always starts in November.  It is time for the gales and snows of November. 

We'll end it with a song - from 1958, Purple People Eater.   Linking with Mary at Jingle Jangle Jungle for the last day of her Rockober Music Festival.

Day 31 of the Ultimate Blog Challenge #blogboost.


  1. Alana,

    LOL 'Purple People Eater' brings back fond memories. I hadn't thought of this song in awhile. :) I love all the scarecrows - what fun! Cold weather is moving into our area today. I can't believe it's the end of the month and with it the holiday season kicking off tonight with Halloween. Have a safe, fun night!

    I have two posts today:
    Reflections #RMF
    Welcome Great Pumpkin

  2. I didn't know Johnny Hart lived in your neck of the woods.

    the garden scarecrow is just so "you", isn't it? but I love the dragon.

    1. Johnny Hart grew up in Endicott and lived some of his adult life in Nineveh, a small hamlet in a rural part of my county. He worked, before going out as a cartoonist, at the old GE defense plant near Johnson City (search for "BAE" on my blog).

  3. Purple People Eater! Brings back memories of swimming in Lake Ronkonkoma, with its slide into the lake!

  4. Oh my goodness! I remember that song and the movie! Thinking back, the movie actually scared me quite a bit as a kid, and I was scared the song would attract him so I never liked it played. In my defense, anything that is a "people-eater" should arouse some caution regardless of its color ;-P

  5. Great post! We got hit with cold temperatures early in the week and snow.. Yesterday we warmed up to a balmy 20 degrees!

    Thanks for joining in when you could with the #RocktoberMusicFest. It's been a great success this year and I'm definitely looking forward to doing it again next year.

  6. Congratulations on the challenge and I love your Halloween photos!!


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