Saturday, August 10, 2013

Sustainable Saturday - Bee in Butter and Other Bee-Lights

Minor river flooding closed Otsiningo Park in Binghamton, New York yesterday.  Thankfully, we were spared the flash flooding that hit Cortland and vicinity (ironically,where we took refuge overnight after our neighborhood was flooded in 2011) and the market opened this morning, right on time.

First, here's one of our friendly Otsiningo Park shoppers sampling some Cross Creek Farms fruit butter.
I do believe it's a honey bee! (look in left middle edge of the lower jar of product).  Ms. Bee must have liked what she tasted, as she flew away but then returned for another sample.  (Now, could you pollinate some of the nearby community garden plants before you go home?  Thanks much.)
Donut peaches.  These are from about an hour away (we can't grow peaches in our immediate area) but still within the market's definition of "local".

Some colorful potatoes.
And, muskmelons.  I'm surprised the bees weren't coming to visit; these smelled so sweet I wish I had smell-o-blog so I could share with you.
And, lastly, I will leave you with another "bee" photo.  We visited our community garden plot (just a few hundred feet away from this weekly market) and the bees were hard at work on our sunflowers.

What's your favorite summer fruit or veggie?


  1. I love the different types of potatoes... never heard of a donut peach but will be looking for them at the market. Farmer's markets are so much fun.

    1. Potatoes come in various colors - red, purple, yellow, white - they can be so colorful! The donut peaches aren't common in all supermarkets but are worth seeking out - they have a sweet, white flesh. (The muskmelon I bought, by the way, was awesome). Glad you agree that farmer's markets are fun!

  2. Love granny smith apples. I like the crunch! Thank you again for sharing these great photos. :)

  3. That sunflower is an unusual color. Beautiful. And I'd never heard of muskmelons. Wish I could smell them. My favorite summer fruit is a peach. There are so many types--all of them wonderful.

  4. I also love the sunflower and the apples look delicious!


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