Thursday, August 8, 2013

Where Do Those Missing Socks Go, Anyway?

Is there anyone among us who does not suffer from the modern malady of missing socks?

You know the drill.  You throw your dirty socks into the hamper/down a chute to a basement/right into the washing machine.  Or, you pick up the dirty laundry left on the floor/draped on a chair/under the bed, left by your spouse/child(ren).

You do a laundry and...viola.  You have a missing sock.

It isn't in the washer.  It isn't in the dryer.  It isn't in the tangled up sheets you also took out of the dryer.  It isn't in your laundry basket.  It isn't in the space between the washer and the dryer.  It isn't lost in the grass underneath your laundry hanging up line.

It's gone.  And you will never find it.  Ever, ever, ever.  Unless you are an organized blogger, that is.

Where do those missing socks go, anyway?

Now, thanks to organizational genius and blogger Susie Brown, we know.

One thing I am not is organized.  And, sadly, my spouse is less organized than I am.  But somehow, it is my socks that go missing.  Not his.  Up to now, I thought they were disappearing into the Twilight Zone or the Fourth Dimension.  Not so. 

But now I will know what to do about it, and so will you.  Thank you, Susie!


  1. I rarely have missing socks. Oh, there's the occasional foot covering stuck amid a shirt, but I find that if you wash your socks only with certain other items (and you are careful in your collection and dump), static doesn't cause a sock disappearance. And, diligence wins.

    1. You're too scientific. I just live life randomly.

  2. I'm thoroughly convinced that the missing socks metamorphize into the extra wire hangers that tangle up in the back of the closet!

    Great ideas from Susie - thanks for sharing.

    1. I think there's a whole biological chain in our dwellings that we don't fully understand. It deserves further study. For example, I can't understand why my wire hangers have stopped reproducing. I would like some more. Send me your extras?

  3. It's a Mystery. Now I'm off to get advise.....

    1. It's a mystery that deserves further investigation!

  4. Okay . . . where do they go? Enquiring minds still want to know! Guess I'll have to ask Susie!

    1. They go to Susie's house! She's stealing our socks in the night!

  5. We always have socks missing, some turn up, others don't. I've stopped caring, but did find Susie's post helpful! Thank you! Oh, and the culprit usually is static cling - the sock ends up in someone's shirt!

  6. I keep a sock orphanage in a box in our closet, and the socks without matches go straight in there. When my kids were little, I would give them the box once every couple of months and pay them a nickel for every pair they could put together!
    Now my 12 year old daughter loves to wear mis-matched socks, so it works out OK for her! (Did you know they now sell sets of un-matched socks!)

  7. I don't think I'll ever understand where missing socks go! I swear that all mine are odd pairs! I just tend to wear black ones anyway!


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