Tuesday, January 27, 2015

A Tale of Two....

Once upon a time, there were two friends.  They had been friends for over 16 years.

These two women, on paper, have little in common.  One is big city bred, one small town bred.  One an only child, the other with full and half siblings. Different religions.  Different life experiences.  An animal rescuer and a petless person.  One is an expert punner.  The other is her victim.

Yet, they had become friends.

One day, one confided in the other.  There was something wrong. A suspicious lump where no woman wants a lump.  She had had a mammogram and an ultrasound.  The results required a biopsy.  She was waiting for the results of the biopsy.

The other friend said, funny you should mention that.  On my recent exam, my gyn found a suspicious lump in my dense breasts. She showed me, and I felt it.   I had a mammogram and an ultrasound.  Negative, the other friend continued, but I just got a call from my gyn.  She felt something didn't add up between the results and what she (and I) had felt.  My gyn wants me to come in for a followup....

They hugged, and talked about what would happen if the results were positive. They would support each other.  In case treatment took their hair, they decided on the color of their wigs.

One friend's biopsy result: Positive.

The other friend's followup:  Negative. 

A good writer would write such a good, punny, ending to this, but, knowing my friend will be operated on tomorrow, I just can't.

I just know something about tomorrow is going to make me smile, because that is the kind of person my friend is.

And tomorrow, you are going to smile, too.


  1. So sorry to hear that. I'm off today to go see a friend on the other side of the country who is battling stage 4 breast cancer for the 2nd time. It doesn't look good but I want to go see her and make some memories for her. We're been friends since the 1970s in junior high. Prayers for you and your friend.

    1. Thank you, Sharon. May you be able to spend some quality time with your junior high school friend.

  2. Alana, I am so sorry your friend has cancer! But I'm also so glad she's getting treatment! There has never been a better year or a better country in which to get a curing protocol. Praying for your friend, her loved ones, and you, during this strange time.

  3. I am so sorry to hear about your friend, you and your friend will both be in my thoughts and prayers tomorrow.

  4. That is sad news about your friend, :( May she become one of the many survivors. Several women I know have gone through this and are back to living their normal lives. Hoping for the best!

    1. Right now, after surgery, it looks good. Thank you for your well wishes.

  5. Sorry to hear about your friend. Prayers for both herself and for you, because supporting friends need support as well. I hope that all goes well in the surgery.

    1. Thank you, Mary. Right now, it looks good (no lymph node involvement was seen in the surgery). Will cross fingers.

  6. Alana,
    I will be praying for your friend, and for you too, because it's stressful to have a friend who is sick. I'm hoping and praying that her treatment is 100% successful! *hugs*


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