Thursday, January 8, 2015

International Blog Delurking Week

Come out, come out, whereever you are!  Come out and leave a comment, even a single word, to let me know you are present. 

Now, why should you do that?  Here's why.

Did you know that this week is International Blog Delurking Week?

I didn't know, either, until a fellow blogger at Alphabet Salad told me. (Thanks, Laurel!)

I'm guilty of lurking at some blogs - never commenting - and maybe you are, too.  I'm also guilty of falling behind in reading my comments of the past several days.  But I will.

There is nothing like getting comments to make a blogger happy (except for spam, of course.  That's a topic for another day.)

International Blog Delurking Week lasts from January 4 to January 10.  So, you still have a couple of days to join the fun.

All you have to do is comment on my blog, then go to Stirrup Queens and comment, there.  And, then, grab the badge below.

You can leave one word (a nice word) like "hi!"  

Like Stirrup Queens, I'll even give you a prompt if you want:  what's your favorite food?

But only if you want.  (My favorite food? Dark chocolate.)

You can even go to my Facebook blog page and like me.  OK, I made that part up - it isn't part of the official celebration.  But you can do it if you want. 

(This badge was created by Melissa at Stirrup Queens, who has given all blogers permission to use it for anyone who wants to do their own International Blog Delurking Week 2015 post.)

Oh, and about Alphabet Salad - it's a great blog.  Check it out while you are celebrating!

So - if you are here for the first time, or the 50th, just comment that you are here.   Then, join the fun and spread the happiness.  And if you have commented in the past - thank you!


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you! Seriously, you can relurk. Just please keep reading and enjoying my blog, that is all I ask Glad to meet you.

  2. I'm here! And thanks for the shoutout - glad you're jumping onboard with Delurking Week! :)

    1. It's been fun. It was worth to find a lurker. I've been guilty of lurking myself at times and I should know better. Thanks for your post from yesterday.

  3. Well, I will comment, but then again I am a blogger too...

    I've often been surprised when people have told me they read my blog but they have never left a comment! But I guess we blog to be read, and not just to get comments...right...?

    1. I agree with you - we blog to be read. I also blog because I love to take pictures, and I need an outlet for the 3600 plus (yes, really) pictures on my iPhone. Coming home to comments is a plus - a nice plus, granted.

  4. Hi - I'm guilty...signed up to get emails with your blog posts and always read your blog and enjoy it -- but don't think I've ever commented. Glad you found this event to give everyone a chance to sign in! And regarding your post the other day about the name of your blog -- I always though it had a nice ring to it, just the way it is!

  5. Thank you for this post! Found it funny and refreshing. :)

  6. Woot! I'm here! I have never heard of this celebration, but I think it sounds delightful.

  7. Love it - DElurking! And International Blog Delurking Week? I will definitely have to post about this, as well - thanks for mentioning it!!

  8. Alana, I'm here! I found Delurking Week on Laurel's blog. I don't know if it will help get the lurkers to participate, but let us know if it does :-). blessings!

  9. Ha ha! I'm a lurker (at times) but not on your blog! Yours is fun and has a variety of topics to keep me interested - like de-lurking!

  10. How do you guys find out about all these days and weeks? I just about know my birthday and that of my friends and family and public holidays.............Also how can you find out if someone has just lurked around your blog?

  11. I'm guilty! I definitely need to comment more and lurk less :)

  12. Hello,
    I have read several postings regarding proper comment etiquette. The gist of these articles was something along the lines of “don’t comment just for the sake of commenting.” I think that’s a silly rule. But sometimes I feel that when there are a lot of comments already on a post, I might not have anything new to add, so I don’t. But I guess that’s being silly too.
    At the moment my favorite food is m&m’s.

  13. I read many blogs but don't comment often, except for WordPress blogs. Most other platforms are too unfriendly for users and I find it very difficult to comment on them so it takes a great effort or a great reason for me to do so. The past couple of weeks I've been trying to comment on blogger blogs (which is probably the most user unfriendly platform) and I haven't been able to. It never takes the comment. It just keeps reloading asking for my comment when I have already typed it in several times. I eventually give up. And I hate blogs where you have to enter a capcha or prove you are not a robot. Ugh! I wish people would make it easy for their readers to comment.


Thank you for visiting! Your comments mean a lot to me. Due to a temporary situation, your comments may not post for a day or more-I appreciate your patience.I reserve the right to delete comments if they express hate or profanity, are spam, or contain content not suitable to a family blog.