Saturday, January 3, 2015

Local Saturday - Must Frosty Die?

Snow and upstate New York go together like - well, snow and upstate New York.

You may love snow, you may hate snow, but in January, you are going to have snow if you live in upstate New York.  I work in Binghamton, which is on the edge of New York's snowbelt.  I live near Johnson City, about four miles from Binghamton.

 In some years we get over 100 inches (254 cm) of snow.

We are realistic about snow here, even having a friendly annual competition with other snowbelt cities in New York State called the Golden Snowball.

It doesn't mean you have to like it.
Snow can be beautiful.
It can be so decorative, if you don't have to walk or drive in it.

Along I-81, December, 2014
And, if you look past the snow, you see the beauty of bare trees, water, and hills in the distance.

And, people decorate with fake snow, too, directly from (well, maybe not) Buffalo, NY.

Poor Buffalo.  Their reporting station was in the wrong place.  Back in November, some places in and near Buffalo got almost 100 inches in one storm.  Yes, one storm.  I bet the residents wished they could have bagged that stuff up and sent it somewhere else.  They should have won the 2014-15 Golden Snowball without effort, but are struggling.

The readers of my blog know how much I hate snow.  And today, we are supposed to have "one of those days" snow, changing over to sleet and freezing rain.

But, as much as I hate snow, and appreciate snow melt products, I also think wishing Frosty the Snowman dead is a little harsh.

Do you like snow?  Or do you agree that Frosty must Die?

This is the third day of the Ultra Blog Challenge and the Ultimate Blog Challenge, and Write Tribe Pro Blogger Challenge.  It's not too late to join the fun.


  1. I live in the UK and as far as i'm concerned we don't get enough snow, i spent many years living in Germany and the winter was always worth waiting for.

    1. Many people in the Northern United States (where I live) enjoy the four season climate. If you ever feel a need to experience snow, New York State is your place to go.

  2. Not a fan of snow here. I was pleased to move to SW GA where it never snows and live my life by mailorder to escape the rare snow/sleet storms of Atlanta which immobilizes 5 counties.

    For a brief moment this new year I considered deleting all the blogs I read who feature snow until I realized how much I would miss them once the stuff melts.

    I think of Frosty the Snowman as a monument to Gene Autry. Today's children don not have that kind of heroes.

    1. Who would ever want to harm Frosty the Snowman? I was in disbelief when I saw that label!

  3. He's been pretty good to us so far this year, but last year I was cursing at him every day. He'd better keep behaving!

    1. He'd better keep behaving is right! No polar vortex this year, oh, please!

  4. I am hearing for the first time that one gets artificial snow as well!


    1. The "Buffalo Snow" in the bag is a white polyester material people use for holiday crafts. But many ski resorts here in the States make snow (yes, there are machines that can manufacture snow) when there isn't enough of the real stuff for good snow skiing.

  5. I live in Trinidad and Tobago (the tropics) So I don't envy you at all. I lived for 5 years in Illinois and absolutely hated every time it snowed. That was only because I just couldn't handle the cold. But I now see how pretty it can be.

    1. It can be pretty from afar. I lived in Florida for two winters (many years ago) and was so happy when I saw storms, knowing they would never get as far south as Tampa.

  6. Here in Idaho we're setting on about 10 inches of snow. Waiting for anther round. Then I heard Monday or so it should warm up and rain, then the slop.
    Coffee is on

    1. We had our slop today - snow turned to freezing rain yesterday, then today it got up to 50 degrees. I exercise walked in a long sleeved shirt. Unbelievable!

  7. I just came back from a week in Colorado where we were snowed in most of the time. While it was fun for the kids, I preferred to stay inside and enjoy the beauty through the window. I don't love snow and that is why I live in California :-) I am sending warm sunny thoughts your way. I don't want Frosty to die but...

    1. Please keep those thoughts coming all winter. Especially the "sunny" part.

  8. If we EVER got a snow day where I live, the kids and I would love it. But as nature stands, we don't get snow even in the depths of winter. Our winter weather is just too warm for it.

    1. Perhaps I will move to a warmer climate when I retire. The words "too warm for snow" seem so appealing right now.

  9. Oh, I'm not crazy about snow, but I don't mind it once in a while. Fortunately where I live we only get it once in a while! Even here though, if its around longer than 2 days without at least melting off the roads, I get sick of it.

    I still wouldn't want to see Frosty die though!

    1. By March most of us are so sick of snow here. But I would never want Frosty to get hurt, even in the middle of March. I couldn't believe that label.

  10. Alana,
    Snow! When I had my dog, who loved snow, I didn't mind it at all. Now that my dog is not here to run around like crazy in it, it has lost its charm. Seeing it through my dog's eyes was fun. Last year, Erie, PA had the dubious title of #1 Snowfall in the US. Buffalo was also up there. The locals here celebrated that and pasted all over Facebook as a badge of courage! LOL. The Buffalo snow photo cracked me up. Loved your title! Have a great day!

    1. I am so grateful we don't get the storms here that the cities around the Great Lakes do. I've only been to Erie once, incidentally - I fell in love with Presque Isle and want very much to return.

  11. I am doing NaBloPoMo (first time in 4 years!) and since I have a daughter living in NYC, I have become interested in the concept, that has always been a bit foggy to me, of "upstate New York." Sometimes she goes "upstate," although I'm not quite sure it's as far upstate as you.

    I heard about the big Buffalo storm and stupidly texted her to see if it was stormy in Manhattan...I'm a little geographically challenged when it comes to the East Coast.

    As for snow, I like small doses once a year, which is pretty much what we get where I live in France.

    1. I grew up in New York City. To someone from "the City" everywhere else in New York State (except, possibly, Long Island) is "upstate". So, it is a bit loose. New York City, incidentally, is about 375 miles from Buffalo. I live about 180 miles from NYC. Don't feel bad about being geographical challenged. I have almost no knowledge of France, but "once a year" snow sounds really nice to me.


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