Thursday, April 2, 2015


Today is B day at the Blogging from A to Z Challenge, , where my theme for the month will be America the Beautiful. My personal challenge is also to use photos on my phone, and on my computer, and not let them languish any longer in cyber darkness.

My fear about A to Z has come true - in a good way.  Thank you, everyone who commented on my blog yesterday.  I am not in a position to reply to most of your comments.  I am hoping for tonight, but the next two or three days may be a little difficult for me.  Please bear with me, and thank you for reading.

Today, I am blogging about a bookstore in a small city about 25 miles (41 km) from Charleston, South Carolina called Summerville.

I so love running across independent bookstores when I travel.  This one was closed when I came to see the azaleas blooming in a nearby park last April.  From a distance, this is what the store looked like.

It was a Little Bookstore.

No, wait.  It was a Very Little Bookstore. 
This was the view through the window.

I understand this is a children's bookstore. Too bad it was closed.  I still would have enjoyed checking it out.

So this year I returned and - guess what.  It was closed.  Bad timing!

You have your chain bookstores, you have your massive online stores, and you have indie stores, full of heart, love, and knowledge.  They are a lovely part of America the Beautiful.  One day, I may make it to this bookstore, which is over 800 miles from where I live in upstate New York.

I hope to blog about Summerville, South Carolina some more as the A to Z challenge continues.

Do you have a favorite indie bookstore?


  1. I love bookstores - especially secondhand bookstores. You never know what gems you will discover. My mother owned and ran a secondhand bookstore for over 35 years. It brought together two of her many passions: a good book and good people. It was her social life.

    Also, dear Alana - thank you for taking us on this journey of America the Beautiful. I never lived in the States after the age of 10, but every time I hear "America the Beautiful" my eyes tear - especially the scene at the fair in Pollyanna! HUGS <3

  2. A beautiful collection of 'bookstore' memories for the letter B... Love it!


  3. Ah, I so love book stores :) Take me to one and I can spend days there without getting bored :D


  4. I adore book stores. Whenever I see one, I want to go in and browse. :)

    -Chrys Fey
    Tremp’s Troops - A to Z Co-co-host
    Write with Fey

  5. This looks like a cute, little bookstore. If only it had been opened. My personal favorite I've visited is Jackson Street Books in Athens, Georgia. I've been wanting to visit a couple of local ones I haven't yet. [ash-ling] Booksellers in Toccoa, Georgia and Joe's Place in Greenville, South Carolina.

  6. Love, love, love indie bookstores! It is a shame that both times you were there it was closed, maybe next time.

    Happy A to Z'ing!

    Playing with Words
    A Poet's Kitchen

  7. I love bookstores - simply can't pass one up without going in to browse! New follower here - stopping by from the "A to Z Challenge". I look forward to visiting again!


  8. What are the odds that you would go twice IN TWO DIFFERENT YEARS and the place would be closed? That's small towns. I wanted to go to a little antique store in a nearby town (population about 1,000), and a hand lettered sign on the door said they would be closed until "Wednesday or maybe Thursday."

  9. I love bookstores. A lot of my lunchtimes was spent browsing in these stores. Sadly though I have become a techno book junkie and now buy only e books.

  10. I'd so love to visit that cute (very) little bookstore!!! Hope they're open next time you visit :). Nearly all bookstores here are closing up, or being converted, mainly because of the e-bookstores, which is sad.


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