Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Ravenel Bridge

The Blogging from A to Z Challenge is a challenge for many bloggers. But, in 2012, I faced other challenges.  A body flirting with obsesity.  An arthritic knee that was limiting some of my mobility.

I vowed that, one day, I would walk across the Arthur J. Ravenel, Jr Bridge, which connects Charleston, South Carolina with Mt. Pleasant, South Carolina. 
Taken from our car, March 2015
Today, on R day in the Blogging from A to Z Challenge, I want to blog about that bridge, the bridge I lost weight for, the bridge I conquered in 2014, the bridge I walked on (although not all the way this time - I just didn't have enough time in a short trip to Charleston) again this year.

This is what it looks like when you are walking the bridge, if you look up.

If I could, I would fill my phone with pictures of sunset near the Ravenel Bridge.
If I could lasso the moon, I would lasso it from the Ravenel Bridge.

I know there are more beautiful bridges.  I know there are more most-photographed bridges.  But, for some reason, I just can't get enough of the Ravenel Bridge.  And neither can many other people.

Some people fear bridges, but, for me, they are a source of delight.

What part of the Americas will I visit for the letter "S"?


  1. I love bridges, too, Alana! As an art student, we studied the great bridges and I appreciate them for being architecturally diverse and many of them quite beautiful!

  2. Hi Alana,

    Thanks for sharing :) Stunning bridge and great pics!

  3. Oh wow. How long a walk is that?

  4. I love bridges that have walkways on them. Very cool to see the water below and the cars and traffic zooming by beside you!

  5. Lovely. I had never even heard of this bridge, but my knowledge of the East Coast is so spotty!


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