Saturday, June 11, 2016

Local Saturday - The Crooked Lake

Today, for much of the United States, weather is hot.  Even in upstate New York, it is hot and humid.

Right now, near Binghamton, New York, it is 87 F (30 C).  Hot, after several days of unseasonable cold, we are feeling the heat.  It's a great day for making solar tea and not doing too much gardening or walking.

The best thing to do is keep cool, and look at some pictures of cool nature.  Nice, cool, pictures.  So, let me show you some scenes from last weekend.

The Finger Lakes of upstate New York are a group of 11 lakes in upstate New York, running roughly north and south, formed by the scouring action of glaciers over a million years ago.  Now, breathe deep and think:  ice.  Nice, cool, ice.

They are narrow and long, shaped like fingers. 

Well, most of them are.  One of them, Keuka Lake, is more like a lopsided slingshot.  People in the area call it The Crooked Lake.

Several of the Finger Lakes have micro climes ideally suited for the growing of wine grapes, and there have been wineries along Keuka Lakes since 1860.
Overlook at Dr. Konstantin Frank Wine Cellars
On the west side of the lake, you find vineyards almost everywhere, it seems.

This area isn't quite local to me, but is less than a couple of hours away from where I live.  And, in this world of coolness last week, I found many people in lawn chairs, sitting and admiring the lake view with a glass of wine in their hand and a plate of cheese on a table next to them.

It looked so relaxing.  But I'm a bit too wound up when I travel, wanting to experience what the next stop along the road has to offer.

In a future post, I'll show you part of what we saw on the Crooked Lake.  And, maybe even offer you a Bath.

What do you like to do for relaxation?


  1. Still do cold to play in our lake. Most of our lake our form from glaciers.
    Coffee is on

  2. I hope the weather gets cooler. It's winter here but so far it hasn't been too cold.

  3. What a lovely way to relax . I never knew there were vineyards other than those of California .i actually find cleaning cupboards and clearing up very relaxing! But of course I also like to read and listen to music, take in a good movie or just hang out with friends

  4. I love the Finger Lake region! Watkins Glen is beautiful, and the salt mine cracks me up. Wonderful wine up there, and the tiny wineries are such fun to tour. Thanks for the memories. :)

  5. Short road trips are so much fun.

  6. I spent many summer weekends on Owasco Lake. I am taking stay-cations and nearby one day trips this summer.


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