Monday, April 23, 2018

Treasure (Island) #blogboost #AtoZChallenge #Music Moves Me

No music today, just treasure and pirates and a little "T" music.

Treasure Island, Florida.

Treasure Island is on the west coast of Florida, near St. Petersburg and Madeira (called "Mad" by the locals) Beach.  Exploring Treasure Island involves a parking charge, but it is so worth it.

Trail sign.  It was wonderful walking on a beach in winter (picture taken in January).
Sand sculpture.

Treasure Island seabirds.  I could spend hours looking at birds and the tide going in and out.

The most beautiful "Don't Litter" sign I've ever seen.

And now (Ta-Da!) it is Time for Today's Music Moves Me.

Our Condustor of this Musical Train is XmasDolly and her Co-Conductors Stacy of Stacy Uncorked♥  & Rockin’ conductor Cathy from Curious as a Cathy. 
The 4th 4Mer Callie, is on hiatus and we wish her well! Let's take a Musical Train today:

I'm not following the Theme today which I hope the 4M gang will excuse me for.

The first (above) is a song by a group called Thrice - Black Honey.  The video is pretty creepy but the lyrics are political, and you can take them for what you will.

The other song, in keeping with my theme of Treasure Island (and I hope you will excuse the profanity at the very beginning of the video) - Treasure, by Bruno Mars.

And guess what?  It is time for me to THANK YOU for your visits and comments.  That is what makes this Train run!

"T" day on the Blogging from #AtoZChallenge and day 23 of the Ultimate Blog Challenge #Blogboost.  I hope you've been enjoying my theme "Florida Outside the Theme Parks".


  1. Alana,

    How cool there's a Treasure Island in Florida. It sounds like it belongs in Disney's theme park for sure but I bet they have one there, too. I'd love to see some of the sand sculptures. That would be cool! I appreciated the introduction to 'Black Honey' and you're right the vid is a bit creepy. You really put the groove in my move with Bruno Mars singing "Treasure". Thanks for sharing the dance floor with the 4M gang today. Have terrific day!

    ~Curious as a Cathy
    A2Z iPad Art Sketch 'T' Turtle Couple

  2. The connection between this heavy metal and Treasure Island????

  3. Ooooh! Treasure Island looks like a super fun place to visit!! Great song choices - the first one was new to me, but Bruno Mars is always a big time favorite. And of course you're forgiven for going off theme - I've done it myself sometimes...heh!! ;) Have a great week, and thanks for the dance! :)

  4. Treasure Island?! Could this place possibly get any better?!

  5. That beach looks like fun. I actually saw a similar idea on a beach around my way, but it wasn't nearly as big. Way more interesting than the usual "keep the beach clean" signs.

  6. Looks like an interesting place...

  7. Oh wow, I'm going to have to stop by there in one of our Florida trips. Sure looks so cool! Thanks for sharing that. Now I say this every day.. "Why didn't I think of that one?" hahaha I'm a Bruno Mars fan. Is there anything that guy can't do??? He not only can dance & sing he plays so many musical instruments and he seems like such a sweet person. Anyway, great job my friend & you dance divinely!!! ~hehehe~

  8. What fun! Just love all the pirate lore in Florida!!

  9. I would have thought Treasure Island was part of Disney World.

  10. It seems FL is the place for pirates :)
    I'd love to visit again.


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