Monday, May 14, 2018

Mothers - #MusicMovesMe

Welcome to Music Moves Me, a music meme I participate in every Monday.  In the merry, merry month of May, we are having one of our faithful music bloggers choose our biweekly theme as a guest conductor on our musical train.  In May,  our themes are being chosen by John of The Sound of One Hand Typing.  But, John is off today - and we have a "freebie" week.

Who are the Music Moves Me bloggers?  We call ourselves 4Mers.

The Head 4M'er (Engineer) is XmasDolly.  Her co-conductors are:  Callie of JAmerican Spice, (who right now is doing on and off visits) and ♥Stacy of Stacy Uncorked♥   Also,  Cathy from Curious as a Cathy and Michelle from Michelle's Musings and Merriment.  And,  

So, what's on my playlist today, dear readers?

Yesterday was Mothers Day.  For me, it is a bittersweet holiday, as my Mom has been gone 53 years.   My mother in law, meantime, is in declining health.

This song was a favorite of my Mom's - Rosemary Clooney (the aunt of actor George Clooney) Come On-A My House, a hit in 1951.

My Mom and my mother in law both love(d) Frank Sinatra - this song is a song I can not listen to without crying - A Very Good Year.  This song was originally written for another singer, back in 1961, Erwin Drake, who recorded it with the Kingston Trio.  But Ol' Blue Eyes made it his own.

Also, a handful of songs that mention mothers in one context or another.  The Shirelles - Mamma Said

Queen - Tie Your Mother Down

What's Going on by Marvin Gaye.  Sadly, this singer was tragically murdered by his father on April 1, 1984 after an argument between the two men turned physical.

And last but not least, again by Queen, the classic hit Boheminan Rhapsody.

I hope you had a rockin' good time.  Next week, John is back with a theme we'll always remember...


  1. Alana,

    Lovely tribute to Mothers through mewsic. I'm blessed to have my mom still in the picture. DH & I called to wish her a happy Mother's Day yesterday. She mentioned that she is going to quit her job at Walmart which I couldn't be happier about because she really needs to focus on herself. She has Type II Diabetes and is a bit neglectful of tending to her needs. You might remember my MIL passed away almost 4-years ago and she was like a mom to me. I always appreciated my MIL but still you can never appreciate a person enough until they are no longer with you. Thanks for sharing the dance floor with me today dear friend. I hope you had a beautiful M-Day. Have a pawsome week!

  2. Great songs. Prayers and positive thoughts to you and your Mother In Law.

  3. My Mother loved Frank Sinatra too and passed that love on to me...

  4. Great Selection for Mother's Day. I have been known to sing off key 'Mamma Said'!

  5. Wonderful Mother's Day post, Alana!

    I love that you chose this for your theme today. I've been missing my own mother quite a bit recently. She's been gone only 2 years.

    Some great songs this week!

    Jingle Jangle Jungle

  6. Rosemary Clooney is also the (ex-)wife of Jose Ferrer and mother of Miguel and Gabriel and a couple more, and since Gabriel is married to Debby Boone, she's also Debby's mother-in-law. I spend too much time with this stuff.

    All really great songs here. Nice goin'!

  7. GREAT song choices! I've never heard the Rosemary Clooney song before, but I like it! I've heard her name before, but I didn't know she was related to George Clooney. Interesting!
    The Sinatra song you chose is one of his best. I had forgotten about that song since it's not as well known as some of his other songs.
    The Shirelles! I had a co-worker who would sing that song every time something would go wrong at work. We all would be stressed out and he'd sing, "Mama said there'll be days like this..." It loosened the tension because we'd laugh.
    Queen and Marvin Gaye are always good. It's still sad that Freddie Mercury and Marvin Gaye are gone.

  8. Sooo many memories. Nearly all of my memories revolve around one song or another. Now I've got 'Frank' in my head . . .

  9. Way ta go girlfriend! Having a hard time typing here. It's a one finger exercise today. I cut my index finger and I bled a lot, so I'm huntin' & peckin'! DARN!!! So, let me just say the next dance is mine! ~hehehe~ Great tunes... so Ummmmm lets dance
    to... uhhhh I know, do you remember "The Jerk" we can do that dance to your Shirelles tune, "Mama Said"!!! hehehe and ain't that the truth!!! hahaha have a goodnight girlfriend so let's boogie... you & me! HUGS p.s. hope you are enjoying your new position as our new Conductor! I think you're doing a great job & so do the other girls. You're one in a million... a million to one!!! Hmmm I feel a song comin' on.....

  10. I'm SO SORRY! I thought I made it here last night. I'm so glad I looked to make sure. Anyway, won't be much as I cut my index finger pretty bad so I'm huntin & peckin' LOL! Love the tunes and where you were going with this. I was really missin' my Mom yesterday.. I'm going to the cemetery tomorrow with my daughter. It's been a while since I been there. Just hard for me to go. hmmmm could've sworn I was here. Oh well, boogie on girlfriend! HUGS GREAT JOB!

  11. What a fun mix of music! And of course the earworm Bohemian rap :)
    thanks for rocking.

  12. What great vintage tunes you have there! Well, except Bohemian Rhapsody, of course, which I love. Well, I love them all!

    So sorry about your mom - 53 years!! You must have been very young! My hubby lost his mom to cancer when he was 18 - he still misses her all these years later. <3

    Thanks for being an awesome co-hostess! We appreciate you very much! :) Have a great week - I'll see you on the dance floor again tomorrow-ish (or later this week) I'm trying to get caught up from last week! :)


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