Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Unexpected Rocks - #WordlessWednesday

Spring has blazed into upstate New York, where snow covered the ground in many places just a week ago.

I took a picture of a flowering weeping cherry in downtown Binghamton, New York - on a horizontal branch lay two painted rocks.  If you come back Friday, I promise to show you what the rest of the tree looks like.

Join Esha and other bloggers for #WordlessWednesday


  1. Painted rocks do add a bit of whimsy!

  2. Yay! I'm so excited! Spring has found us as well! Heading out to rake my yard.
    Oh . . . wait . . .

  3. Very cool looking!

  4. Nice find! I'll be back on Friday, love weeping cherries in bloom. So pretty!

  5. Whoa, so somebody just did some artwork & left them there? Weird, but nice for you. Thanks for sharing!

  6. So glad you didn't ignore these painted rocks and decided to click them and share with us, instead! Wonder who came here first and thought of the idea of painting them. I'll be back on Friday for sure, coz now I'm curious to see the rest of the tree.

  7. I like the painted rocks and am so happy that spring arrived! Yep, I returned from San Diego after two weeks and brought warmth with me!

  8. Congratulations on the arrival of spring. We are on the brink of welcoming our summers, though thanks to a few dust storms here and there we have been blessed with cool mornings and evenings.
    Thank you for linking up with Esha and me on #WordlessWednesday. We look forward to your posts regularly. 😊
    Cheers and have yourself a lovely week ahead!

  9. The painted rocks are marvellous! I thought that's the shadow of a bird, falling on the rock!


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