Monday, July 15, 2019

Daylily July #GardenBloggersBloomDay

(If you are looking for my Music Moves Me post, please click here.  I posted it yesterday to leave room for this.)

On this July 15, I am buried (so to speak) in flowers. We've had a lot of rain this past spring, followed by hot (for us) weather.  The flowers are loving it   where I live in zone 5b New York State.  There are daylilies everywhere I go in my yard (well, almost).

So many that I will need to do collages of many of my other flowers.
Impatiens and geraniums (and a cosmos).
I have the best nasturtiums I've had in many years, perhaps due to the rain we got this spring, but something keeps eating the leaves.
Black eyed Susan, ageratum, bee balm (try #1000 - they always die from mildew), lantana, pansies (I still have pansies), petunias (one of many) and annual phlox.

You won't see marigolds, because, two nights ago, something ate all the flowers (and left the plants).

So, with these as an appetizer - are you ready for some daylilies?  As usual, their names are lost in the midst of my terrible record keeping.

So many colors.
I've had this one for many, many years.
These are so prolific.

My one spider.
Lemon supreme (one of the few I still have a tag for).
This one has gone into overdrive.

I bought this red one last year.

I still have several that haven't started to bloom quite yet. Alas, they will probably all be gone by next GBBD.
This July I won't neglect my indoor plants.  One of my African violets is blooming as are two Phalaenopsis (moth orchids). This one has rebloomed for three years and the earlier blooms had died.  Suddenly, it came out with one more.
But this is a first time rebloomer.  And in July?  Why not, I guess.

How about one more collage?  Hosta, ivy geranium, and more petunias.

Perhaps this post will help to sustain me when the fall frosts and and winter come, and come they will. 

Thank you's go once again to Carol of May Dreams Gardens, who runs this monthly gathering of garden bloggers and others who love flowers (like me).  Why not visit her and see what is blooming all over the world?

What is blooming where you live?


  1. Beautiful blooms. I love the daylilies.

  2. Colorful blooms ...orchids are my favorite among others...I envy your day lily mine are not in blooming stage...those dark colored nasturtiums are new discovery for me.Happy blooms day

  3. I still say you should hold on to some of these shots for the months when there are no blooms. I wonder what critter's been eating your flowers.

  4. Beautiful Day Lilies!
    Thanks for your comment on my blog - yes, I think the Okra/Pansy story is funny!
    Happy Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day!

  5. Looking great! You have a lot going on. Love your nasturtiums. I did t grow any this year, but they are a favorite of mine.

  6. What a lovely collection of blooms. Your summer garden is obviously thriving.

  7. So, you are a gardener and a music type, too? A little more than a year ago I and the Grand Rapids Symphony and Symphony Chorus performed at Carnegie. I'm glad there was no black out then. I try very hard not to lose my daylily and hosta tags, but, damn, garden gremlins carry some of them off. Hope you had a good Bloom Day. You can visit mine at


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