Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Natural Colors #WordlessWednesday

One thing almost all humans enjoy doing is eating.  For your viewing pleasure, the natural rainbow of a New York State farmers market in the first week of July.

Even the building provides its own color.   Most vendors are indoors but I preferred to take outdoor pictures.
Carrots and beets.
Strawberries.  Strawberries were not a success here this year - too much rain.  What is left is expensive.


What dishes would you make with these veggies?  Isn't it wonderful that my readers enjoy so many different cuisines?

Please join Esha and Natasha - take a break from writing with #WordlessWednesday.


  1. Alana,

    Beautiful barn! I didn't know that strawberries don't do well when it rains too much. I don't have a green thumb.

  2. I've heard that before, that too much rain kills the strawberries. I'm sorry.

  3. Haven't been to a farmers market this year.
    Coffee is on

  4. Sad to hear that it was a bad year for strawberries, they are a favorite of the summer fruits. Now those beautiful vegetables, they could inspire me. I'd have to buy some of everything.

  5. I love farmers markets and I find them so much more varied and inviting than the regular supermarkets we end up buying from, out of sheer convenience, every now and then. The produce seems so fresh and healthy.


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