Sunday, July 7, 2019

This Week in New York Wildflowers

A week's worth of walking on the Vestal Rail Trail, Vestal, New York, produces not only physical fitness but looks into nature.

Rubus odoratus is a wildflower I first discovered several years ago, and I found it blooming today. 

This is also known as the purple flowering raspberry.  Although it is not a raspberry, it is a member of the large rose family.  I understand the fruit, while it looks like one, doesn't have much of a taste.  The leaves are maple like and that is what first attracted me to this years ago.  I've also learned it is an important flower for the bumble bee.

Speaking of true bramble fruit, I used some special effects with this picture but it appears nature beat me to it.  See the middle where a fruit once rested?

Elderberry, so very fine.  This bush is close to the end of its flowering season and soon enough, the tiny berries will be ripe.  How I miss being able to pick these from my neighbor's land when I lived in Northwest Arkansas, although it's been over 30 years now.

Last week, I found one wild rose still in bloom.  It wasn't, today.

And finally, there's a mystery flower.   I should know what this is but I don't.

Walking isn't just about walking.  It's for fresh air, discovery, and, yes, learning.

What did you do today?


  1. I watched a marathon baseball game between the Astros and Angels - almost 5 hours. I'm afraid it didn't do much for my physical fitness although it did get my heart rate up a few times. Beautiful wildflowers. The elderberries in my backyard are already forming berries and the birds are busy gathering them. That last picture looks familiar although I can't for the life of me come up with a name at the moment.

  2. Top ones we call bramble berries here in North Idaho.
    Coffee is on


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