Friday, August 14, 2020

The Golden Sunset #SkywatchFriday

I was relaxing at the end of the day.  No way I was going to watch the sky tonight.  Just wanted to lie there on the couch.  No way I was going out there.  Nope.  It was time to chill.

I looked out my back window and saw the sky lighting up, several minutes after sunset.  My adrenaline started to flow.  I donned sandals and went out there to get a better view.  Spouse followed me.

This is what I saw.

So we started to walk west. 

We shifted our vantage point.

Geese flew right over us.  My first picture didn't "take" but I got this parting shot.

 This is when I really knew it was going to be good.  After this, it rapidly faded.


A final salute from a contrail, so rare nowadays, as the sun bid us goodnight.

Worth getting off the couch for!

Joining Yogi and the other skywatching bloggers for #SkywatchFriday.


  1. ...and every sunrise and sunset is a bit different from the last.

  2. Beautiful!

    Hope I have time to do a post today, work's been crazy but I had a paddle 2 weeks ago that I think will make a good Skywatch post. First sunset paddle of the year.

  3. Definitely worth getting off the couch for. There's something about the colors not just painted on the sky, but the way they change not only while we stand there, but as we move ourselves, that is so calming. Especially in this stressful time.

  4. Oh my, yes! Absolutely beautiful! You can just FEEL the peace!
    The geese families are making short trips around our town now, getting the babies (who aren't so little anymore!) ready for their long flight later in the fall. It's so fun to see them. They've pretty much got the mechanics down, but they can't quite fly and honk. I guess, like the rest of us, everything comes with practice.

  5. LOL, I know all too well the calling of the sky. And if I don't get up and take some pics, I feel guilty the entire evening! We had a beautiful sky last night, but the colors disappeared so quickly I didn't get a chance to get any shots.

  6. The couch is so comfortable, but wonders await when you can pry yourself off.


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