Friday, August 13, 2021

Peace And Love Skies and River 2021 #SkywatchFriday

I wish I had some gorgeous sunsets to show you.  There may have been some recently, but my mind (and camera) have been elsewhere.

Although, I did get a so-so sunset the other day, my heart (and feet) have been along the Susquehanna River.

Its moods fascinate me.  This picture was at the start of a very warm, humid day.  At least the river levels are down, and the water is no longer brown as it was in July.

At our community garden, the sunflowers are blooming.

Back to the river.  Afternoon clouds along the river.

In nature, a bouquet of Queen Anne's Lace and goldenrod awaited my camera.

The closest I've come to a sunset recently.  Not my best one, but it was peaceful.

Speaking of peace and love, I posted a picture Wednesday of a hill and asked my readers to guess where it was.  It's a place where music history was made in 1969.

These pictures were taken in June of this year.

Here's your answer.  The 52nd anniversary of the Woodstock Music Festival will be August 15-18.  I hope you will join me for some highlights of my visit to the site of Woodstock, in the town of Bethel, New York (about 40 miles from Woodstock, NY, a story in itself), starting on August 16.

Joining today with Yogi and other sky watching bloggers for #SkywatchFriday.


  1. ...the wildflowers are beautiful now.

  2. Such a pretty area you live in!! Would be so much fun to explore it all!


  3. Love the sunflowers.
    I cannot believe Woodstock is having it's 52nd anniversary. Wow, that makes me feel old.

  4. I lived next to a river my whole growing up years. Maybe that's why I'm so drawn to your pictures of the Susquehanna! Beautiful pictures, Alana!

  5. Gorgeous photos. I really like the river view shots. Very much looking forward to more about Woodstock. I was right at the age that I loved all that music at the time. Wish I could have been there!

  6. I love your sunflowers. They say summer to me.
    I love the Woodstock shot. We were on a family vacation when news broke of the event and I was enthralled about the whole thing and still am really I guess.

  7. Great photos!
    The first one is my favorite, and I love the sunflowers, too!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  8. Greetings and Salutations! Lovely absolutely lovely photographs.

  9. Walks near the water are always nice.


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