Saturday, August 7, 2021

Snapshots of The Last Week in the Garden

Pictures taken here and there the end of July and beginning of August.

Our sunflowers are now blooming, to the delight of bees.

In our raised bed community garden bed, a bee works eggplant flowers...

 ..and, thanks to them, an eggplant grows.

A Green Envy zinnia unfolds.

A white zinnia hosts an insect.

Orange cherry tomatoes continue to ripen.  This plant in our raised bed is taller than we are. 

We've already (not shown) harvested one green cabbage.  Our zucchini and yellow summer squash plants are nearly done.

Some of our onions (our most reliable crop) cure in the sun and harvesting them makes room in our garden for a fall crop.   

We've been having some deer problems at our community garden, though. We've only gotten a fraction of the beans we should have gotten. The person in the raised bed next to mine has lost some cabbage, with about half of the head eaten, That gardener also lost bean plants.

We are entering another very warm (can't call it "hot" with what other parts of the country have experienced) spell.  But fall is definitely coming.  We see the sun setting earlier each day, the crickets get louder, and the mosquitos more hungry.

Still, I don't want summer (and our garden) to end.

Not yet.


  1. That's a cool concept with a community garden. I hadn't seen an eggplant growing before. All great pictures of what is growing! So true about fall approaching though we don't have fall here lol. But it is getting darker earlier and sunrise is later in the mornings. In a few weeks we'll notice just a hint of coolness in the mornings which is nice :)


  2. sunflowers are doing well, my onions are a disaster.

  3. It been ages since we grown any eggplants.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  4. Eggplant plants, flowers, and fruit, are beautiful. I've grown them just as ornamentals before. I gave the fruit away. Very pretty sunflower. I don't use enough big onions to be able to use even half your harvest! What do you plant for fall?

  5. Those tomatoes are looking good

  6. Looks like a pretty good haul so far.


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