Monday, November 27, 2023

Thank You For the Music #MusicMovesMe

It's the last Monday of November and it's time for music.

Let's introduce the Music Moves Me bloggers.

We blog about music each Sunday or Monday and if you have music to share with us, you are most welcome to join! (Music Posts Only-meaning at least one music video, please!)   Our head host is Xmas Dolly, and our co-hosts are Cathy from Curious as a Cathy, joined by the knowledgeable Stacy of Stacy Uncorked and yours truly.

Our guest host for November is none other than Xmas Dolly, and she has asked us to post thankful songs. 

Let's start with a Disney song from the movie The Hunchback of Notre Dame.  "Out There" teaches us to be grateful for the blessings in our life, whatever they may be.

From 1964, The Beatles "Thank You Girl", which I had totally forgotten about.


Now for something different from my usual offerings.  This is a cover of a song with a somewhat sad back story.  This song was written in 1966 by Chilean artist and composer Violeta Parra who, sadly, committed suicide in 1967.  It's been covered many times since its release on Parra's final album, and the song was inducted into the Latin Music Hall of Fame in 2013.  I've chosen a cover by Joan Baez and Mercedes Sosa. Joan Baez introduced this song to us here in the United States and Mercedes Sosa popularized the song throughout Latin America.  I bring you "Gracias a la Vida" which means "Thank you to life".

I can not write a song about thankfulness without including Andrew Gold's "Thank You for Being a Friend".  This song became famous as the theme song for the hit TV show Golden Girls.

Finally, I had recently taken Sly Stone's memoir "Thank You (Falettinme Be Mice Elf Agin" out of the library.  Here is the song by the same name, recorded in 1969 by Sly and the Family Stone and reaching #1 in February of 1970. In researching, I found there had been an unreleased long version, and here it is for your listening pleasure.

And that's a wrap!

Join me again next week.  For December we will be blogging holiday music and I hope to continue a tradition I've followed the last few years.  See you then!


  1. Girlfriend, These are soooooooooo good! Hope you're Thanksgiving was fantastic!!! I had a full house...23 count and I have a small house... tell ya anything??? HAHAHHA YES! We were packed to the max, but it didn't snow until Saturday praise the Lord!!! So all kids watched cartoons and the adults stuffed themselves... then I had to shut the TV and the kids stuffed themselves. All & all fun was had by all! TAKE CARE MY DEAR FRIEND! LOVE YOUR CHOICES!!!

  2. ...I don't remember many of these.

  3. Alana,

    Sly and the Family Stone "Thank You" is a fun, funky tune that puts me in the groove to move. Thank you for sharing your song picks today. I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Have a boogietastic week and holiday season, Alana!

  4. We picked two of the same songs.

    I hope your thanksgiving was wonderful

  5. THANK YOU! for the thank yours. Some I knew, some I did not, Beth

  6. Great song choices and love the Spanish song!

  7. Lovely.

  8. I'd forgotten that Beatles song and even reading the title didn't bring it back...but of course I knew it once I started listening. And all the words came back immediately. Isn't it so strange the way music and memory work?

  9. Your songs are so great. Thanks for sharing them.

  10. Great songs here. Enjoyed them all.

  11. Great songs! Some new... Got Thank-you for being a friend stuck in My head. It's a good thing!

  12. I wish they had used Andrew Gold's version of "Thank You For Being A Friend" on The Golden Girls. Good choices!

  13. A great post some of these songs were new to me and such fun 💜💜

  14. Didn't know the first. Forgot about the second (thanks for reviving the memory). The rest just rounded out the celebrations!


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