Tuesday, May 14, 2024

May We Celebrate May Farmers Market Visit

It's time for our local farmers market to move outdoors.  Let's celebrate this market from last Saturday with:

The first asparagus of the season.

Hanging baskets

 Rhubarb.  I'm not a lover of it.  Apparently, at least here I'm a minority opinion.

Spring garlic 

Finally, bidding bye to mushrooms.  This grower only grows it in the winter and first part of spring.

Recreation Park Bandstand, Binghamton, New York

Our county has four farmers markets, one of which is year round.  They have been instituting some nice programs in the last couple of years, including a monthly giveaway of $15 coupons to military veterans.  This year we are getting, for the first time in years, a Sunday market in the Binghamton park that was the setting (not filmed there, but the inspiration for, the Twilight Zone episode Walking Distance.

Does your area have a farmers market?


  1. I don’t think I’ve ever eaten rhubarb

  2. I'm going to our Growers Market, as they call it, Thursday to see if they have any tomato plants. Produce is always expensive at the markets, but I'll say, your asparagus is sure high! My grandmother grew rhubarb, and always sent us home with some. My mother made wonderful pies. Just rhubarb, never strawberries added! I think that is a terrible thing to do to both rhubarb and strawberries!

  3. Love a farmer's market. So nice to see them popping up again.

  4. We have many farmers markets around here. I don't sell at the one I used to go to anymore, but I heard they added another day in the week to theirs (at another location, but same market).

  5. I will eat a lot of spring garlic

  6. Hi Alana - give me asparagus and rhubarb and I'm very happy - cheers enjoy all the markets with their offerings - Hilary

  7. Asparagus and rhubarb always came up in my mother's garden. To me they're a sign of spring, like tulips and daffodils.

  8. We have several around us but I just can't get excited about visiting lately. Thanks for sharing!


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