Sunday, June 2, 2024

Labyrinth #ShadowshotSunday

A labyrinth in a local botanical garden is the topic of today's Shadowshot Sunday, brought to us by Lisa at Lisa's Garden Adventures.

The labyrinth.

A nearby rose plant.


  1. Brilliant, I love labyrinths!! I have a devil of a time spelling labyrinth though.

  2. ...I never understood Labyrinths.

  3. thecontemplativecat here. What a lovely garden.

  4. I like the leaf shadows on the brochure/leaflet.

  5. That must be a fun place to explore.

  6. The steps look rather nice. So are the shadows

  7. That rose looks like one I have in my garden and the name of which I can't recall at the moment. I've had it for years and I love those blooms.


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