Saturday, June 22, 2024

The Day of the Day Lilies

Hot days aren't fun for us humans, but the plants in my Southern Tier of New York garden are soaking it up. And, the garden has announced that summer is here.

The daylilies are blooming.  These pictures, except for the last, were taken yesterday.

As of today, I have four varieties blooming.  I don't know the names of any of them, because either I forgot, or I never knew (some of what I have bought were "unknown", sold at a discount).

This was the first, already blooming before the 15th of the month.  It has a lot of blooms and buds now.

The second of my collection to bloom.  This may have been purchased in Penn Yan, New York at Grace Gardens.

This, on the side, is a rebloomer.  I'm positive it isn't Stella D'Oro.  I got this at a clearance years ago.  It's a short variety.

Finally, this is one I bought two years ago from a daylily nursery in Thompson, Pennsylvania, Lambertson's Brookside, which went out of business at the end of 2022...and then reopened for a while in 2023...and is going to reopen again for six days (I think) this July.  The owners are in their 80's and I suspect they just can't let go.

You can search July daylily posts from previous years, when my memory was better.  I should, but I'm too lazy.

I hope these pictures refreshed you.

If you are under the heat wave, stay cool!


  1. ...yep, it's that time of year.

  2. Daylilies are among my favorite summer flowers. In addition to being pretty, they are virtually care free.

  3. Lilies are very refreshing to look at

  4. I do like daylilies - so reliable and unassuming.

  5. I do love the yellow color of the daylilies. Yellow, the color of optimism, never fails to appeal to me.

  6. I just wrote a blog post with flowers in our yard from March to now.


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