Thursday, July 18, 2024

Three Sky Views #SkywatchFriday

Yes, it's Thursday, not Friday, but today I am joining up with Yogi's SkywatchFriday later today when he posts the link (Link now below).

This will be my last blog posting until around July 29, as I am taking a break from blogging and most social media.

These sky pictures are from July 12.  They are the same sky but different viewpoints taken during a trip to our community garden plot. 

There was so much going on over the time we were there.

Remember, always look up!

I will next be posting for Skywatch in early August.

Joining Yogi and other skywatchers for #SkywatchFriday.


  1. I like that middle one. I like how that one little cloud is in the foreground.

  2. Enjoy your break. You will be missed.

  3. I often look up because the sky is fascinating. I always enjoy your sky photos.

  4. Awesome sky photos ~ thanks,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  5. Sky drama. Enjoy your time away.

  6. Beautiful shots!! Don't forget about us.

  7. These are beautiful sky shots. Enjoy your break dear Aloha

  8. The last shot is really lovely

  9. Beautiful skies! Probably a good time for a social media break.

  10. Wow, absolutely love these sky pictures, and totally agree always look up! Hope you have an amazing rest of the summer!

    xoxo, Midori


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