Thursday, September 12, 2024

As Fall Approaches

As we approach fall, some recent sightings.

 My late summer turtleheads, beloved by bees, my yard.

Goldenrod is a staple of late summer, and there are over 100 different varieties.  Here are three:

a.  Zig zag goldenrod in my back yard.

b.  Canada goldenrod (or so says my plant ID app) growing on Mt. Equinox in Manchester Center, Vermont.

c.  Grass leaved goldenrod (per same app), also growing on Mt. Equinox. 

One of my hardy mums, blooming.  I think this one is three years old.   

Apples, farm in Bennington County, Vermont.

What looks like a Jerusalem artichoke plant, my yard.  I didn't plant this.  I wonder if a bird did.

My Japanese anemone (not shown) have buds but no open flowers yet. Ditto for my New England Aster variety "Pink Crush" but here's a sneak preview.

It's been chilly, with some daytime lows in the 40's (5 to 6 degrees C) but so far, but summer returned yesterday.

We will enjoy it while we can.


  1. ...I need to trey an Zestar apple!

  2. Wow~ gorgeous autumn photos ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores ~
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  3. Nice blooms. Winter is still a while away ;)

  4. I love all the autumn flowers and those apples do look yummy!

  5. Same temperatures as here this morning.
    I didn't realise there were so many varieties of goldenrod. It's nice to still see so much colour in the garden.

  6. I love trying new to me kinds of apples from the farmers' market. Then I like them and forget what they were, or never find them again! My Little Lemon goldenrod isn't blooming yet.


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