Thursday, October 10, 2024

The Garden Winds Down

Our community garden plot is winding down for the year.  We've had nights in the 40's ( 7C) and next week we will be reaching down to the 30's.  We have a frost advisory starting at 12:01 AM Friday.

This year, my spouse (99% of the work) and I abandoned in ground beds in favor of two raised beds.  We were offered a third, abandoned bed mid-year which was a good year because one of the beds we had rented was absolutely infested with (I think) bindweed.  It was a losing struggle.  We would have had to live at the garden to even have a fighting chance against it.  We aren't going to rent that bed again. 

These are some of our last crops of 2024. 


Asian greens.

Peppers, as the last couple ripen.


We still have wax beans ripening (not pictured) and a handful of cherry tomatoes.

Fall is a bittersweet time for the gardener. It's a time to celebrate what the season provided us, but we know that the garden has slowed with the declining sunshine and temperatures.

But (hopefully) there is always next year.


  1. ...I'm ready to everything to bed for the winter.

  2. Raised beds are the way to go. My wife uses planters for her tomatoes and those work well as well.

  3. It looks like the garden did well this year. Very pretty cabbages.

  4. Oh, I am envious. We didn't do a vegetable garden this year and I do miss it.

  5. I looked out this morning and saw frost on my neighbor's roof. Ugh!

  6. There is always next year. Sorry about the bindweed.

  7. So many fresh and organic vegetables


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