Monday, April 13, 2020

Knocking (Fools) #AtoZChallenge #MusicMovesMe

It's time for another episode of #MusicMovesMe. 

Who are the members of Music Moves Me ?  We are bloggers who blog with music each Monday. If you have music to share with us, you are most welcome to join! (Music Posts Only- Please post containing links to You Tube or Vimeo for actual music.  Other posts are subject to removal or labeling as "No Music".)  Every other week we have a theme and on alternate weeks we have "You Pick".  

Our conductors? First, there is XmasDolly.  Her chief co-conductor is Cathy of Curious as a Cathy. Her other co-conductors are Stacy of Stacy Uncorked, and me.  

For April, our guest conductor is Binky the Cat and his Granny at their blog Angelswhisper2011. Their theme: Fools Song Titles or Lyrics.

But first I have to get in some songs beginning with "K" because the Kind People of Blogging from A to Z require me to.

Kashmir - Led Zepplin

Knocking on Heaven's Door from Guns and Roses.  I like this cover a lot better than the original, truth to tell.

Now, how about some Fools?

Fools Rush In (Where Angels Fear to Tread) was a song originally written in 1940 by the great Johnny Mercer.  For this I decided to use the 1963 cover by Ricky Nelson.

Fool in the Rain - Led Zepplin.  It may surprise you that my favorite Led Zepplin album is 1979's In Through the Out Door, one that is not a definite favorite for many Zepplin fans.  I love every song on this album.

Another great Fool song - Ship of Fools by World Party, from 1987.  I hadn't listened to this for a long time.  In some ways, it is so appropriate for the present time.

"Kiss" as covered by Max Raabe.  I don't know if to laugh or cry at this but it sure is different.  Would Prince have approved?  Maybe.  He was no Fool.

I wanted to end with one more song, a cover of a song and now a new video for that cover - a video of such power that it took my breath away.  I am a New Yorker born and raised but I think we can all identify with this, no matter our place of origin. But, the video has been taken down due to copyright.  I only hope Disturbed will permit it to be seen on You Tube again.

In the meantime, why not join the rest of us and rock out?

"K" Day on the Blogging from A to Z Challenge.


  1. Well, your tunes for the day... great job!!! Especially the last one too funny. Loved it! Where on earth did you find that one. He reminds me of someone, but I can't put my finger on it. hahaha Your K tunes are very good also. I didn't know you were doing the letters.. me too! I'll be by tomorrow too! Have a great day! Stay healthy, Stay safe, and STAY HOME! Hugs

  2. I was never a fan of Zeppelin- so I didn't know the titles of those songs. But, it was nice to hear them decades later. Ricky Nelson? wow. But, those last two songs were totally new to me. Thanks for the cruise down memory lane- and to create new ones.

  3. We chose one of the same songs ...Ricky Nelson.

    The video you wanted to use...very powerful, very moving. Maybe they’ll workout a deal so it can be seen again.

  4. I was a sophomore in high school when Rick Nelson released Fools Rush In. It was the same year that the Beatles came on the scene with I Wanna Hold Your Hand. Rick was never a "super star" but I liked his music. Hello Mary Lou and Poor Little Fool were among my favorites. Thanks for the reminder of simpler times. Have a blessed week.

  5. I'm amazed by how many fool songs are out there. Great original picks! Stay safe and have a great Monday.

  6. These are good! I also used Ricky Nelson, mostly because of that guitar solo.

  7. I am also surprised by the number of fool songs. Fools Rush In is one I remember from my elementary years in Endwell.

  8. Great songs and we both picked World Party's song. It is a great one.

  9. I love your music posts! There is always one song among your selection with a special meaning for me. This time, it's 'Fools Rush In'. When I hear it, I see my older sister, rocking out in the front room. With me on the stairs watching. Sweet!

  10. Great choices! I love Knocking On Heaven's Door.

  11. OMC...Led Zeppelin, one of Granny's favourite bands back in the years and still fantastic when we're listening to it here. You made us MOL with the entrance of the fools...some great fools...songs, that we didn't know about😸😺Clean Pawkisses for a Happy Tuesday. Stay Safe Healthy and Yourselfie🙏🐾😽💞
    Will leave some Healing Pawkisses for your family member. Hope everything will work out fine💗

  12. Alana,

    Sorry for the late boogie. I'm not doing at all well this year with keeping up on responses and visits. Everything is out of kilter for me. I can't wait for life to resume more normalcy again. Great song picks for the A2Z Challenge but I think I like the original "Knocking On Heaven's Door". Kashmir does a good job, though. The "Kiss" cover video is very strange indeed. Vocally not quite up to Prince but the quirky mewsic vid makes up. :) Have a boogietastic day. Sending prayers to your friends/family who aren't well. God knows everything and is in control. Be at peace, my dear. I'll shoot you an email later. Sending love, hugs, and prayers to you! xx

  13. Interesting choices for the music, liked them all!


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