Saturday, September 5, 2020

Behind That Mask at the Farmers Market

Behind that mask, you don't know me and I don't know you.

Except sometimes, you do.

We were at a local farmers market today.  I was a little annoyed because I saw some older women who were wearing signs (not just name tags, but covering part of their chest)  with the names of various candidates.  One was a Presidential candidate and the others were names of people running for local offices.

Suddenly, I heard someone yell out our first names.

She was one of the people wearing a candidate's name and yes, I certainly remembered her.

She worked at my son's school, and they had a lot of (good) interactions.

It's been a long time.  He has a "3" in his age number now.

"B!" I smiled, from behind my mask.  Yes, sure enough.  It had been years.  But it was her.

We talked for a couple of minutes. Unfortunately we didn't live in the district where she was running so we can't vote for her, but she asked after my son. I caught her up about what he was doing and when I praised my son, she responded "yes, he was always a sweet boy." (that wasn't always true but yes, he does have a good heart).

It got me to thinking.

You don't see me smile when you greet me.  You don't see how happy I am to interact with you.  There have been so few people I've interacted with in person, these past few months.  I work from home and correspond with co workers by chat, phone, email and online meeting apps.

I shop for groceries.   Everywhere, there are yellow lines to mark where I can stand, and in which direction I can move.  I know the drill now, which yellow line to stand behind at each point in the process.  I get on line to check out.  The clerk then rings up my purchases.  I'm motioned closer and I pay the clerk, who is protected by a mask and a plexiglass shield. 

I smile. The smile is hidden.  But I still smile.  When will I lose the habit of smiling?
Never, I don't think, because, you know what?  You can still see someone smile by looking in their eyes.

But, back to the farmer's market.  "B" introduced me to another candidate, who was running for family court judge. (In our area, certain judges have to run for election).  I have only been in a courtroom once in my life, and it was for the hearing where my spouse was named my disabled brother in law's guardian.  I was scared to death, just being in a courtroom.

But now, this judge was just in street clothes, with a mask on.  We spoke.  A pleasant conversation.  And yes, I will vote for her.

It's a funny thing, wearing a mask.

And, speaking of local farmers markets, these pictures aren't from today, but could have been.  Peppers have been so sweet this summer.

Leeks and kohlrabi.

Colors are such a delight.  

So is sweet corn, picked fresh.  We purchased a couple of ears today.

Summer is still with us.

Oh, one more thing.  Voting is so important this November.  Please, please, be sure you are registered and please plan on how you are going to vote.   (And, I could add, please vote only once!)

But, whatever you do, if you are 18 or older, PLEASE VOTE.  Our nation is depending on you.


  1. Would love to visit a farmers' market. Many of our local farmers' markets have shut down because of the virus.

  2. I have not even checked to see if our farmer's markets are open. I actually went into a grocery store today just to see what they have on the shelves. Apparently there is a shortage of canned tomatoes and sauces. And yes, I look like a bank robber, lol.

  3. ...I visit a number of Amish farms to get produce. They don't wear masks, but I do.

  4. Ours is called the Growers Market, which is unfortunate, as "Growers" are what are called marijuana farmers around here! I have some checks to the market to use soon, sent to me by the state. I don't get food stamps, so I guess they were triggered by filing to get a waiver or deferment, or whatever, on my property taxes. The state pays then the estate pays back later. Great deal for seniors what with property taxes going up!
    Oregon votes by mail. All of us. I usually drop it in the drop box (gasp!) outside the election office, where there is always a long line of cars. They are putting another drop box outside the main library.

  5. That farmers market looks wonderful.

    You need not be afraid of judges, they’re just people. But I do understand why a courtroom can feel intimidating.

  6. Your market has great selection. I haven't gone to ours this year. It should be ending end of month. I drove by and it looked like no one had mask on.

  7. Love all the vegetables in the market.

  8. The mask thing is weird. I went back to work this week, back to a school I hadn't been to since we shut down, and so I know all the office staff. They recognized me instantly, and I knew all of them, still all of us behind our masks. Which we never mentioned once, even though we were all wearing them.

    It's so weird. It's kind of become normal, yet it still feels so foreign.

  9. Hi Alana - love the fresh veggies - they look amazing - lucky you to have one so reasonably accessible. Masks are strange aren't they - essential sadly - all the best this week - Hilary


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