Sunday, October 4, 2020

It's All 10-4

It's October 4, 10-4 in our style of writing dates.  We are surrounded by bad news, and more bad news.

But nature, in response to the news, responds 10-4.

Those who remember the CB craze of the 1970's remembers 10-4, what truckers use to say "acknowledge" or "OK". (Here's a better explanation of the CB "10-codes")

Because, all around us, nature is telling us to take a deep breath, and look at our surroundings.

For us in New York State, here's what you would see.

Fall foliage (the best is still to come). 

Winter squash.


Specialty pumpkins.

Blue hubbards.

And more foliage.

Today is also Trucker Appreciation Day.  This year, we acknowledge how much we owe to our truckers, essential workers who bring our food and other supplies to us.  I have no truckers in my family (that I am aware of) but one of my neighbors back when I lived in Arkansas were both truckers, the husband and the wife.

C. W. McCall and "Convoy" from 1975.

Let them truckers roll, 10-4.


  1. Omg I remember that song. 10-4 good buddy.

  2. Convoy! Loved that movie. Didn't require a lot of thinking and gave lots of entertainment.

    The photos are so lovely. Which did you buy?

    1. Of those squash - none of them! Bought something called a honeynut, which is a type of butternut, smaller, and sweeter.

  3. I adore gourds and the colorful "Indian" corn this time of year! Yes, truckers are the backbone of American, which must be something I read somewhere extolling their work! I live in a city with Interstate 5 dividing it (or it going over town, or city streets over-passing it), and it is THE transport route all the way from the Mexican border to Canada. We have truckers! It's also why we have amazing highway rest stops all along the way, although some are closed due to the pandemic. Sometimes driving between where I used to live in CA to here (before I moved) sometimes it was only the trucks. Safe drivers.

    1. I've only been (outside of an airport) in California once in my life (San Diego) and also have visited (back in 1979) Portland, OR and Seattle. That's it for my west coast experience. I would love to return. It was in my plans....

  4. My grandfather had a CB radio that he used to talk to all sorts of random people with. He wasn't a trucker. He'd do this from home.

    1. I have a cousin deeply into ham radio. Has been for maybe 50 plus years. Not quite the same thing, though.

  5. found fall colors on steroids!

    1. Thanks, Tom. The two foliage shots were taken a handful of miles from where I live, up in the hills. This was supposed to be a "meh" year for color (that was actually the headline in our paper maybe a couple of weeks ago!) Not "meh" at all.

  6. Hi Alana .. those are wonderful pictures of the different gourds and pumpkins .. usually I love this time of year, but it is hard to feel that way right now with everything that is happening. I do want to appreciate it though .. and those last days I have in the garden.
    I think the trees are doing their best to cheer us up maybe ? LOL
    We appreciate all the hard workers and what they do for us .. where would we be without them ?

    1. We would be hungry, and worse, without the truckers and other first responders.

  7. I do love this time of year. Hopeful 2021 will be better. This been some ride.

  8. someone decided trucker appreciation say is on a weekend????????


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