Saturday, December 26, 2020

12 Drummers Flooded

Be warned, this is not a happy Christmas story for the Southern Tier of New York.

The flooding I blogged about yesterday came to pass.  What happened was that we got 39-44 inches of snow Dec 16 into 17th, and then, Thursday, temperatures rose into the upper 40's and the snow melted (not all of it, but enough) and THEN we got rain on top of it.  We were luckier than people downstate, who got the warmup and the rain and also high winds.  And oh yes, then it all froze.

But still.

One of my co workers had to evacuate.  My son was under a "voluntary" evacuation order.  And my neighborhood, which was hit by massive flooding in September of 2011, held its breath.   Several major roads were closed.  One family owned hardware store in Binghamton, after various customers called asking for sump pumps and other flood damage supplies, opened their doors for several hours.  (And that, folks, is why "Buy Local" matters).

This was (about 1pm Christmas day) the park where spouse and I sometimes watch sunsets.  No watching today.  Not even the Canada Geese wanted any part of this.  Over to the right, where the screen is, is a ballfield. In the lower right is a road.

Today, about 11-ish, this is what the park looked like - not quite exactly the same view but it's the same ballfield.  The water was receding slowly.  You can see the high water mark on the screen - the little dots are leaves that stuck to the screen.  Also, several people are will need new garbage cans.

Several municipalities are still under states of emergency.

 But perhaps the saddest of the flood victims was this.  This picture was taken in late November at Otsiningo Park in Binghamton, New York.  This exhibit is part of a nightly drive through light show running through the first week of January called the "Festival of Lights".  Obviously, this picture of "12 drummers drumming" was taken during the day.

Part of the Festival was making donations (voluntary) at the gate for those in need.

But now, the park is underwater.  I saw a picture on the news with the lights perhaps halfway under water.  The river there has crested and should be below flood stage by tonight.

This time, my house escaped.  But I must admit, it was a nervewracking day.  Still....lots of gratitude.  We are here.  We are healthy.  We had food to put on the table this Christmas.  Not everyone does.

We have no idea if the flood damage at Otsiningo Park will be able to be repaired.  And, oh yes, the warmup/rain/freeze cycle is set to repeat on New Years Eve.

Some memories you just don't want.

2020 can't leave soon enough.


  1., that's serious, stay safe!

  2. I am so glad to hear you and your home are safe. Sad to see the places you've shown us underwater. Sadder to know some have been flooded out of their homes. I read the light show was back after a ten year hiatus. Sad return.

  3. Sorry that the light show was underwater. The year 2020 should just pack up and leave early.

  4. Thankful that you didn't flood and praying for God's protection next week. Living in Houston has taught me so many hard and unwelcomed lessons about the dangers and damages of flooding!

  5. Sounds awful. I have a branch of a river behind my home and a high water table. I've dealt with water issues before and they are horrid.

  6. I was worried that was to be your weekend travails when I heard the weather report

  7. Oh, my, how horrible for the people in that area, not to mention the damage to the park. I do hope it can be repaired. And thank goodness your house, at least, escaped damage.

  8. Yikes. Glad you're safe, but it's not fun waiting and watching for disaster.


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