Friday, November 19, 2021

Stark Sunset and A Glimpse of Blue#SkywatchFriday

 Sunset, November 9, the 56th anniversary of the Great Northeast Blackout.

It's a typical November day.  


Spouse and I are walking, after I get out from work, in the local park near the river in the Southern Tier of New York State. 

The trees by the river are mainly bare, or nearly so, now.

No great color tonight, but the sparkle of the sun on the river catches my attention.

One could call this stark.  I call it "November".

But sometimes November has a pleasant surprise.  Thursday we woke up to 56F degree weather (13C) and the sun was shining.  It stayed that way for about three hours before the gloom returned.  But, before it did, it got up around 60.  Amazing.  Not only that... skies! (And yes, in the background are some still green trees.)

Sometimes, you have to love November.

But now, back to the gloom.

Joining up, as I do each Friday, with Yogi and other sky watching bloggers at #SkywatchFriday.


  1. ...I like the glow of the sunset on the water!

  2. It's actually surprising, in the first few pictures, how beautiful a lack of color can be.

  3. Pretty photos. I like the second one best, the way the trees meet in the middle. Have a nice weekend.

  4. The contrast between the bright, sunny days and the gloomy days ...

  5. I always enjoy seeing that sparkle of light on the water. Beautiful sky photos!

  6. 60 degrees is good news? Sigh. That's a bitter cold day for us. (Yes, we're spoiled.)

  7. All tree here are bare.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  8. November is just about my favorite month and the pictures you share show it to be an interesting time where you live, too.

  9. Greetings and Salutations! Beautiful images especially the images showing the glow on river.


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