Friday, April 15, 2022

Meme (Garden Bloggers Bloom Day) April 2022 #AtoZChallenge

Every 15th of the month I devote to a meme called Garden Bloggers Bloom Day, hosted by Carol of May Dreams Gardens, where flower gardeners show what is blooming in their yards or houses.  This is also "M" day in the Blogging from A to Z Challenge.  Welcome to a combination of these two memes.

My Blogging from A to Z theme for this year is  "From Florida to Vermont With Stops In Between". Today, I am stopping at my house in the Southern Tier of New York to show you what is blooming in my zone 5B flower garden, and also in my house.  After all, my house is a place, right?

This has been an up and down spring.  We've had temperatures in the low 70's, snow flurries, ice pellets, fog, and plants have not had an easy time of it.  The good news is, some of my spring flowers are finally blooming.

Bloodroot flowers last only a few days.  Enjoy them while we can!

Crocuses are done.  This picture is from a couple of days ago. 

Daffodils are starting.

My jonquils started to bloom Wednesday.

The periwinkles that came with the house (so they are over 30 years old) are blooming, too.

My white Lenten Rose is so early that it isn't successful every year.  Alas, this is one of the years it tried, but only a couple of flowers ever opened.  But my later purple Lenten rose is blooming.


Wednesday, I put pansies in a couple of planters.  Now, something is digging in both planters.  We think we caught the culprits - robins.  Maybe.

I also made up my first hanging basket, of violas.  Too late, I saw a hole in the hanging basket, but it's going to stay in there.  It's towards the bottom, and, if anything, will provide some extra drainage.


My Easter cactus has produced only one bloom this year.  I bought another one to keep it company.

My indoor primrose is continuing to bloom.  I buy a primrose every January and plant it outside.  They usually don't make it, and I'm thinking seriously of keeping this one indoors just to see how long it keeps on going.

Speaking of keep going, the kalanchoe in my home office is still going strong....

As is the one set of blooms from the double kalanchoe in my bedroom.

The two impatiens I rooted last fall are both still blooming but getting leggy. Here's one of them.

Finally, two African violets.   I can't remember when I bought this one but it was overcrowded in its pot.  I had an orchid pot (actually, more than one) not being used and I read African Violets like them, too.  I think I have two plants and I don't want to risk damage if I separate them.

Wow, what a happy African violet. See how I've been rewarded.

So I rewarded myself with still another African violet, currently up in my home office.

Finally, a question for my readers: I tried to make a collage of the impatien flowers (three different colors) and the two African violets but PS Express wants me to  use social media to sign into the app "which will share information with..." No way to get around it.  I don't want to get into that.  So I can no longer use this software and I plan to delete it.  I'm willing to pay a reasonable cost for an iPhone app that is easy for a beginner to use, and it must be able to make collages.  If you have suggestions, thank you! (I also thank those who commented on the same question I asked in my Skywatch blog post yesterday).

My thanks, as always, goes out to Carol at May Dreams Gardens who hosts the 15th of the month Garden Bloggers Bloom Day meme.  It was fun combining it with Blogging from A to Z this month.  I hope you enjoyed it, too.

Have a wonderful day and weekend.  Passover begins tonight at sundown, for those who observe.  Today is also Good Friday, for those who observe, and Sunday will be Easter Sunday for many Christians.


  1. Holiday greetings. Your flowers are lovely.

  2. ...outside, I have seen the same beautiful scenes.

  3. Beautiful macro floral shots ~ lovely ~ Xo

    Wishing you love and laughter in your days,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  4. You have a lot of nice blooms today! How cheerful to have them indoors too. Rewarding yourself with plants is the right thing to do! You deserve it.
    I use a free version of the app Creative Cloud (CCExpress - used to be Adobe Spark) to make collages. I have it on my PC too, but it's so much faster and super simple on my phone, then save to photos and import to the computer. I use the same template most times, just "replace" the photos, since I don't need it saved there. I guess there is a paid option, but I never have paid.

  5. So many beautiful flowers. I love the African violets. I had to give mine up because, unfortunately, I have two indoor cats who love to eat plants. Love the pansies as well. A world without pansies would be a sad world indeed.

  6. Those are all just beautiful! Lovely photos, too.

  7. A big change in number of blooms since the depths of winter, eh?

  8. When someone say "periwinkles" Mrs Bucket from "Putting on appearances" comes to my mind.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  9. Beautiful flowers!
    Happy Easter!


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