Friday, July 8, 2022

Cloud Assortment #SkywatchFriday

For a lazy Friday, some assorted pictures.

We went blueberry picking on Wednesday.

Hourglass puddle with reflections.

Geese floating on the river, looking like little dots. 

A lake in Pennsylvania.

Another reflection.  It's been dry recently, so puddle pictures are a little hard to get.

Yellow sunset glow.

Sunset over Canandaigua Lake, New York.

Joining Yogi and other sky watching bloggers each Friday at #SkywatchFriday.


  1. ...Canandaigua Lake never looked better!

  2. Beautiful pics, especially the last. My wife has picked a whole bunch of blueberries and blackberries. We love them.

  3. A lot of nice photos. I always like your puddle reflections.

  4. I haven't been blueberry picking in ages, and I miss it. Just in case you've got lots, I posted a blueberry recipe today!

  5. Blueberries AND beautiful skies? It just doesn't get better...

  6. Your blueberry picking idea resulted in memories of my mother-in-law, Catherine, my husband, John and I went blackberry picking. It was great fun! She suggested putting a belt through the empty sherbet container metal holder so we could use two hands to pick. Beautiful sky shots.


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