Saturday, October 15, 2022

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day October 2022

Welcome to the "Is it October already?" edition of Garden Bloggers Bloom Day, hosted by Carol of May Dreams Gardens.

Yes, it's October, and yes, my zone 5b southern tier of New York garden has dodged several frost advisories.  The temperatures have stayed out of the frost zone (thank you, Nature!) and I still have an abundance of flowers to show you.

So let's not waste any more time...

First up is a surprise, an autumn crocus that we never planted which showed up on our lawn several days ago.  A fellow blogger told me that once it goes dormant we'll be able to dig it up and give it more of a place of honor.

What would autumn be without mums?

A few feet away is another yellow mum, one that we accidentally overwintered in our garage (it was in a container), replanted in the ground when we noticed it was sprouting, and this grateful mum has gifted us with a thank you display.  Underneath the mum is a purple pepper we hope to keep going inside. Maybe.

My Mother's Day gift is still going strong.

So is this orange geranium.

Japanese anemone.  It was sparse this year compared to the two previous years when we got a lot more rain.


Another fuchsia.  They are lonely without their hummingbird friend, who, hopefully, has made it to its winter grounds safely.

My three cosmos varieties.  Pink. 


Finally, pink seashell.

Our one lantana that survived and abandoned its flower strike in time for fall has earned its spot in today's post.  I don't know why we had a lantana fail this year.

Last but not least, our heuchera, another favorite of our summer hummingbird.

My thanks also go to plants that filled my hanging baskets, such as this bacopa.  

In just a few days, these will all be memories, another growing season concluded.  It will be a time of sadness, but also a time of renewal.  After all, planning next year's flowers is always part of the fun.

And thank you for your readership!


  1. ...I have a few autumn crocus, perhaps the squirrels planted them.

  2. Beautiful!
    Happy Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day!

  3. My garden is mum-less at the moment and I do feel the lack. I may have to add some for a little more color this season.

  4. What a pretty white cosmos. Your autumn crocus has such thin petals compared to mine, which are limp browning strands today. Nice to see a fuchsia still. My mother used to have many hanging all along a covered walkway, where it was slightly warmer than my 8b zone.

  5. What a variety of flowers and colour as a true garden blog!

  6. Lovely flowers. I finished the fall clean-up yesterday. Now I can sit back and wait for snow.

  7. Such pretty flower.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  8. Cosmos are such a reliable blooming plant as is the Geranium! My Impatiens were a fail this year too...not sure why. Gardening is always a challenge!

  9. Nice to see you are still having some beautiful blooms in mid-October. We are expecting drastic weather changes for the next three nights with a freeze warning. We have been moving our potted plants into our shop today. So, no November blooms for us.


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