Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day February 2023 #WordlessWednesday

It's February 15 and time for Garden Bloggers Bloom Day.

On this unbelievable sprin...I mean winter's day in my zone 5b garden, I'm going to be far from wordless as I join up with two blogs (more on that at the end of my post.)

Spring is here.  Maybe it's April Fools in February day, but buds on trees are swelling, the sunny days area increasing, Northern cardinals are singing, the snow has melted, and flowers are blooming.

Indoor flowers, anyway.  In a minute, some sneak peeks at outdoors,where it's supposed to be near 60F (15.6C) today.  Some other years, it's been below zero F as a low on this date.

But let's look at the indoor flowers first.

For inside, I can wish that Garden Bloggers Bloom Day took place on February 12, and I will admit in advance that I took a couple of these photos a little early.

I am so proud.  I got an amaryllis to rebloom!  The flowers are wilted now, but this is what it looked like three days ago.  Of course, the amaryllis did all the work but I'm a proud plant parent.

This has never happened before.  One of my Thanksgiving cactus plants, which bloom normally in November, put out two flowers.  I'm not complaining!

Here's an impatien that volunteered itself in a container I grow my airplane plant in.  Nearby impatiens I started from cuttings in the fall must have dropped a seed in there.  Otherwise, I have no idea how it got there.  It is thriving.

My one remaining geranium flower.  This was my Mother's Day basket and I'm overwintering it. It's received some outdoor time recently.  Sorry for the blurriness.

African violet. 

Finally, an airplane plant flower.

As for the outdoor plants, first, some foliage. Our crocuses, which normally bloom in April,  are coming up.

Ditto this Star of Bethlehem.

Our earliest daffodils are poking out of the ground and testing the air.  Those aren't flowers, I (ahem!) uncovered them under some leaves and then covered them back up.

My purple Lenten Rose has flower buds but that is normal for it.  It probably won't bloom until April, unlike my white Lenten Rose that bloomed in January and was caught by a freezing cold spell.  Sorry for the blurry photo. 

There are a couple of flower buds left on the white flowered plant but I'm not sure if they will ever open.

I am joining up today with two blogs:  first, Carol at May Dreams Gardens for her every 15th of the month meme Garden Bloggers Bloom Day, and also Sandee at Comedy Plus for her Wordless Wednesday.

Why don't you join one or both of us?



  1. ...that is a lovely amaryllis.

  2. The weather has been weird this year, hasn’t it?

  3. Flowers always makes me smile. Beautiful.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

  4. What lovely photos Alana, we had it strangely quite mild all of a sudden here :-)

    Have an Amaryllistastic week 👍

  5. It is always exciting to see sprouts and spring blooms happening in gardens. I do the same in mine too. They usually bloom without my intervention lol

  6. Funny. Our high is supposed to be about the same as yours today. But, of course, for us this is bitterly cold. We're all complaining how cold it is.

  7. My high was 48. I love the color of the Thanksgiving cactus. Different from most. (Let's see if this posts this time!)

  8. How gorgeous are these.
    It's such a joy to see you tend to them.

    Maybe I should join the prompt as I have plenty of shots from my garden too and of my plant babies. But so many stories to tell and I am not sure I'll get the time.

    My daisies are looking lovely in purple, indigo and white shades, as are the Sweet Williams, the multi-hued Bryophyllum and the Geraniums are just beginning to burst open- soon I'll know what colours they are showing off. ;) The Cosmos we bought from Istanbul is also blooming a lavender hue.

    I love your Crocuses.

    Can't wait to see them all bloom.

    The winter has receded in our part of the world and spring is upon us. The entire landscape is dotted with a burst of colours.

    Wishing your loads of floral joy, Alana.

  9. It's felt like spring the last few days but it's going to turn chilly over the weekend. I don't think we have too much longer to worry with the winter weather and I for one am happy! Beautiful flower shots!

  10. Beautiful blooms ~ great photos ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  11. Nothing could be more cheery than flowers in deep February. Here? All I see is snow... My Amaryllis is blooming, though, which I find amazingly cheery!


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