Saturday, February 25, 2023

The War Anniversary

Yesterday (using the time in my Eastern Standard time zone in the United States) was the first anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

To honor all those who have died defending their country and their freedom, I feature pictures taken on Sacred Sunday, 2022, of our two local Ukrainian churches.

Outside the St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

Let's go in.

Beautiful artwork.

More beautiful art. 

Sacred Heart Ukrainian Catholic Church.   This wooden church was built in 1977.


Its interior.

Peace for Ukraine.

Members of both churches have been hard at work this past year to support the people of Ukraine as they suffer through this terrible war.

Before I forget, there is a woman living in Kyiv who I follow on Twitter:  Yaroslava Antipina.  It has become her war diary and I invite you to read it.  She also has a blog, if you are interested.

Today, there will be an Interfaith Service & Rally at 1:00 downtown Binghamton, New York at the Broome Country Courthouse.

We can hope that peace will come soon, but I am not optimistic. 

I hope I'm wrong.



  1. War makes a fortune for all military mercenaries around the war. Hard to imagine the war will just stop

  2. The question now is: what happens next? Today's paper said that the leader of Ukraine is considering of getting support from China. Can that be true??

  3. If Putin isn't stop, it will just grow.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  4. It won't be over anytime soon. Too many people are making too much money off of it...

  5. Hi Alana - as Tom says 'let there be peace'. Lovely buildings you've got to visit ... we've had lots of services here too. With thoughts to all in Ukraine - peace for us all - Hilary

  6. The war is an act of naked aggression and very disturbing.


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