Saturday, April 8, 2023

Gaffney Peachoid #AtoZChallenge

The peachoid took me by surprise.

We were traveling in February on I-85 south when I saw the peach water tower.

I remembered vaguely about this water tower, and hurriedly snapped a couple of pictures of it.

The Gaffney Peachoid is a 135 (41m) foot tall water tower holding one million gallons of water. (Who knew? My spouse!)  It was built in 1981 and is located near exit 90.  Sadly, it is also the frequent target of vandals.  Despite that, it has become a landmark on I-85.  Because it's a major road between Charlotte, North Carolina and Atlanta, Georgia, there is a lot of traffic on this highway.

And yes, about that cleft in the peach.  Some people call it the "Moon over Gaffney".   

Why a peach? The county Gaffney is in (Cherokee County, South Carolina) produces more peaches annually than the state of Georgia, I've read.

How could I have forgotten about this roadside structure?

It was perfect for my theme:  Exploring South Carolina and the Eastern United States.

"G" day for the Blogging from A to Z Challenge.   Tomorrow, Sunday, is an "off" day and I'll resume with H on Monday.


  1. Really large peach water tower. Love big and large monuments that seem to get everyone's attention.

  2. I've always thought if you were going to have a water tower it should be constructed as something fun. The peach fits the bill.

  3. I remember seeing that sometime in my travels!

    My A to Z Blogs
    DB McNicol - Small Delights, Simple Pleasures, and Significant Memories
    My Snap Memories - My Life in Black & White

  4. I love your peach water tower. I've seen a several towers labeled "hot" "cold" "chocolate milk" and such but never a piece of fruit. Too bad that people vandalize it.

  5. Never seen a water tower like that before.
    Coffee is on and stay safe.

  6. Thank goodness we have a day off to catch up...again. The Peach Water Tower is certainly eye catching, and I'm sure a surprise when traveling that particular highway. Another Peachy state...didn't know that about South Carolina. CollectInTexasGal

  7. That is SO awesome! It even looks a little...fuzzy!
    We have things like a Ukranian Easter Egg (Pysanka), Perogy on a Fork, USS Enterprise, Horse Ankle Bone, Kielbasa, Pinto Bean, a baseball bat. Believe me, we Albertans know iconic 'larger-than-life landmarks! ;)

  8. It's very interesting to see such a large peach water tower! Must be quite a popular sight for every visitor. Thank you for bringing this story to us, Alana.

  9. How fun! Must applaud the designer, nifty idea.


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