Friday, June 23, 2023

Corvette Reflections #SkywatchFriday

These are from a car show on May 19.  There was also supposed to be one last Friday, but the turnout was poor due to the weather, and we didn't stay long.  So let's stick with the May 19 show.

 What a find - a sky blue Corvette with cloud reflections.

It's not so much about the skies today, but the reflections on the cars, all shined up to show their beauty, that I am going to concentrate on.  As it happens, my spouse knew the owner of this Corvette.  As they chatted, I photographed.

Here are some other Corvette (and other car) reflections.

This was my favorite reflection.
The car isn't bad, either.

Not only clouds, but power lines.

Here's a beautiful old Mercury.  We talked with the young couple that owned this for a while.


A Pontiac Trans Am.

The clouds as we got ready to leave. 

Joining Yogi and other skywatchers for #SkywatchFriday.


  1. ...I like the '48 Merc the best.

  2. Those cars are amazing. I love how you captured the reflection of the sky.

  3. I love the way the first two pictures show the sky and the car being the same color.

  4. Your sky reflections on the clouds are wonderful!!

  5. Love those reflections. Leave it to a sky watcher like yourself to see those.

  6. I love old cars and I love clouds. A perfect pairing!

  7. Beautiful photos. Funny how cars I didn't used to think of as vintage are now vintage (like the Trans Am)!

  8. I do enjoy reflection photos!

  9. Shiny car surfaces are definitely mood lifting

  10. Great reflections! The blue Corvette made a perfect looking glass!


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