Friday, July 21, 2023

A Before and After #SkywatchFriday

We skywatchers look for the perfect sky.  Beautiful sunrises and sunsets.  The full moon at night.  Clouds that make us daydream or gasp.  The moods of the sky.

Today, a simple before and after.

We were walking in the park on Sunday, when we saw this:  we knew, from that now familiar streak, that the bad air (the air from the Canadian wildfires) was starting to return.

It did return, but for us, it wasn't as bad this time as the other times.  We were so happy when the haze disappeared and we saw a clean blue sky about 9am yesterday. This photo was taken almost in the exact same place (not intentionally).

And, by 4pm yesterday, the sky (again, near the same place as the first two photos) signaled we would have storms later that night.

An interesting before and after.

Joining Yogi and other skywatchers for #SkywatchFriday.


  1. enjoyed some gorgeous skies. We are enjoying a smokey sky this morning.

  2. That's cool to see the changing patterns from varying sources.

  3. The sky is an absolutely endless fascination, isn't it?! Lovely photos!

  4. That's what's so fascinating (and beautiful) about the sky, you can take a picture of it over and over again, from the same spot, and each time get something different.

  5. Great idea showing us three photos from the same spot. I love how the skies change so much in so little time.

  6. Such a nice bright clear blue sky that was! Hope it lasts.

  7. So interesting, how the sky gives us signals if we're alert enough to watch.

  8. Nice being able to compare from the same location. All three are pretty skies!

  9. Beautiful pics. Interesting hey they all set a different mood!

  10. That first picture is lovely even if it is an indication of the return of the bad air from the wildfires.

  11. Water is so calming.
    Coffee is on, and stay safe.

  12. Fine pictures! I hope the smoke doesn’t come back.

  13. Lovely skies and photos ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  14. So much variety in the skies.

  15. Wow ! I loved the sky, and every picture is perfect, thanks for sharing

  16. Smart to take a photograph at the same spot. One can view the difference.


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