Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Hummingbird #WordlessWednesday

 Today, I'm taking a break from words and letting a neighborhood hummingbird do the talking (so to speak)

This is a female ruby-throated hummer.  These are the only hummingbirds that live in the Northeast United States.

From the back.

She is feeding on cuphea flowers, one of their favorites. She is (if you subtract the long, thin beak visible here) not much bigger than my index finger.

I was inches from her.   I saw her entering my back yard while I was outside blogging and had enough time to get my iPhone 13 mini out and trained on the cuphea.  


Their wings beat up to 70 beats a second.  Yes, a second.  They can also fly backwards.  I call them little miracles.  Here, Ms. Hummer poses in the upper right of the photo, hovering.

Thank you for visiting!

Joining Sandee at Comedy Plus for her #WordlessWednesday.


  1. Alana, these are fabulous captures!

  2. Nice photos I can actually hear the hummingbird from here, :-)

    Have a humtastic week Alana 👍

  3. I love hummingbirds. We have six feeders here and it's busy during the summer months.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

  4. I SO love hummingbirds! Sadly I've only ever seen ONE here where we live! I agree they are precious little miracles!

  5. Incredible bird! I found a link, maybe you know it, but it was so nice that I put it here:
    Happy WW and a fine week! ❤️😘

  6. These are amazing photos! I can't believe you could get so close. Thanks for the tip about the flowers. I'm looking to add something new to my garden and these might work.

  7. I do love watching hummingbirds. So fast and so tiny.

    1. Once again, piggybacking on another's comment since it says I have an error when I try to make my own! It takes replies though.
      Nice photos! I didn't know there was just the one kind back east. I should pay more attention to what I see here, we have eight in Oregon. Probably not all here, I should look that up.

  8. They're so pretty. We have tons in our backyard and sometimes they fight each other!

  9. Well it is "Wordless Wednesday" and the hummingbird says it all.

  10. That velocity of flapping one's wing is astounding!

  11. It's so hard to capture these incredible flyers with a camera but you've managed it quite well. Brava!

  12. wow! great photos of the hummingbird ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  13. Girlfriend, if I wasn't allergic to bees I'd be out there with my vegetable garden. That's what I love to do, and now that I'm disabled I can't move fast enough to get out the way!!! I loved my veggies & I loved watching the plants grown. I have a handful of packets sitting in the kitchen drawer cuz I wanted to do it so bad this year, but alas not in the cards. ~sigh~ Well, at least I can admire your garden of flowers etc. Thanks for sharing my friend!


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